
#2 in Watsonia North VIC

Reviews by tony19

This review is for Greenhaven Funerals, Melbourne VIC

25 Jul 2013

Carly, thank you so very much for helping us celebrate the life of my beautiful wife Sandra.
Being a very disciplined person and someone that plans things through in detail, my first contact with Carly was at a time when I believed that I had a lot of time to ‘shop around' for the funeral director that I felt most comfortable working with. Sandra's demise was at a speed that surprised everyone, and I found myself in the unfamiliar territory of being out of control. Fortunately, I had sufficient time to realise that Carly was the person I could trust to take control and deliver.
From the time of collecting Sandra when she had passed away through to delivery of her ashes to me, Carly gave me an enormous amount of time. She was contactable at all times (I remember asking whether she ever went to sleep!), and provided me with very good suggestions and recommendations. She is also a great listener, and shows empathy without being overly ‘gushy'. In summary, Carly found out exactly what we wanted and then assumed total control and gave me the confidence to let her. Carly, you are very talented at what you do.
Sandra had given us instructions on how she wanted ‘her Service' to be conducted, and even selected a couple of verses and quirky songs to be played. Sandra's wish was that it was to be a true celebration of life .... “only tears of happiness were allowed”. Carly respected this and did a marvelous job of making it work, while retaining the dignity of the occasion. The Service went-off exactly as I had envisaged, and what Sandra had requested.
Under most difficult circumstances the day was perfect. Again, Carly, thank you so very much for taking some of the stress out of the most difficult time of my life.