Reviews by jannat320

This review is for Light Your Star, Bellevue Hill NSW

10 Sep 2020

Sviatlana helped me overcome 2 big problems: smoking addiction and depression. At first she helped me quit smoking. Before I could not last even for a week without cigarettes, but after our 3 sessions of hypnotherapy I completely lost any cravings or desire to smoke. It has been already almost 6 months since I quit. I knew she helps people with depression as well and I asked her during the lockdown to help me with that, as my depression got worse. For days I used to lie in bed and had no desire to do anything. After 5 sessions of hypnotherapy with Sviatlana, I now have a good mood, I go out for a walk every day, do things around the house, even signed up to do yoga online! For me it is a huge progress! To be willing to do things and doing them, to feel positive and enthusiastic again-I am so grateful to you, Sviatlana, that I can do this again!

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