New Arrivals

Gift Ideas

Home Decor

What makes your home truly attractive and personal can be the little things and attention to detail. The smallest of details can spark interest and engage your attention. At White Out of the Box, our home decorating pieces and accessories do just that and more. Every item in our collection is sure to be a complimentary addition to your home. We are dedicated to being a trusted home décor and online gift shop and offer an extensive range of home décor and gift ideas.

Gifts and Accessories

Kind Words from Customers

  • So lovely!

    The gifts are exquisite,plenty linen,ornaments,toiletries,all with an old fashioned,slightly french feel.


  • A must visit!

    So many beautiful products and homewares.

    Highly recommended.


  • Great Quality.

    I always get worried buying online about the quality of items. I can't recommend the bed linen highly enough.


Baby and Baby Shower Gifts

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