
Wellness Clinic - Naturopath

By Ellie Partoredjo

As a degree qualified Naturopath, Ellie wishes to support individuals and families with managing acute or chronic health concerns by focusing on the fundamentals of health and holistic evidence-based practice. From a passion of holistic well-being, Ellie is deeply committed to understanding each individual’s needs and negotiating a treatment regime that fosters wellness empowerment for sustainable health outcomes.



  • 60 minutes | $170

    This consultation is about sharing your current health, exploring your goals and negotiating the best route to success. By the end of your consultation, your practitioner will summarise your individualised treatment plan. Treatment plans may include dietary advice, lifestyle recommendations, herbal or nutritional medicines.

  • 45 minutes | $100

    During your follow-up consultation we review your symptoms, discuss obstacles that may have arisen or indicated pathology or functional testing options. This information is essential to refine your treatment plan.

    Please consider healing takes time, learning and commitment. For this reason and depending on your initial presentation, you can expect to work together over the course of 3-6 months.

  • 30 minutes | $80

    This is a short consultation for acute presentations. It is ideal for immune support, cold/flu symptoms, infections, allergies or skin rashes.

*If you are a valid Healthcare Card holder, you are able to receive 10% off your consultation price.



Enter your details to receive a complementary 15-minutes phone consultation TODAY


By blending the therapeutic benefits of nutritional and herbal medicines with lifestyle intervention Naturopathy seeks to support our natural healing abilities. Through traditional knowledge and evidence-based practice we work collaboratively with our patient’s to create an individualised treatment plan that will increase their wellness empowerment. This method helps our patient’s build strong foundations of health and plays a crucial role in disease progression/prevention.