We help with aged care decisions

Help starts from the first phone call, and we work closely with you during a time when expertise and prompt answers make a big difference.

Time sensitive advice

  • The way you pay for care will impact Government calculated fees and payments.

    Clarify the best course of action right from the start, so you can navigate the forms and payments with confidence.

    Have a plan to guide the steps you take when placing a loved one in care.

  • We help you find answers quickly, and if required, can work with your financial advisor, accountant or lawyer to make sure all the information is taken into account.

    We guide you through the process, and work with you until you have everything set up correctly.

  • We guide you through the forms you need to fill out.

    We are also available to help you get to the bottom of confusing Government correspondence, and to check on the invoices from your aged care provider to make sure everything is proceeding as expected.

    There are big sums of money in the mix, and complex rules around fees and payments. We are on hand to hep.

Find the right provider

  • We can help you cut through the endless advertising, paid placement and unnecessary information that comes with a search for anything these days.

    Easily explore options that make sense for you and your loved one.

    Our easy to use maps cut through the noise.

  • Make the most of Government information to make an unbiased assessment of the aged care homes you are considering.

    We help you harness a valuable Government resource.

  • We can help you easily compare the cost of providers, and understand the true cost of aged care after all the government rules are taken into account.

One thing we do really well.

When it comes to helping people work out the best way to pay for aged care, we know that having access to expert knowledge is essential when making time critical decisions.

We start work as soon as we start talking. We help you with what you need to know, without trawling through endless Government websites, and confusing aged care guides.

We help clients all over Australia, and enjoy bringing our expertise to people in regions where dedicated and expert resources are hard to find. We are just a phone call away.

Of course we can help retirees in a whole lot of other ways, and we look forward to talking about that too.

However the one thing we do better than almost anyone else - is step up to resolve aged care uncertainty with a high level of experience and a focus on doing it quickly.

Read more about our expertise.

  • There are plenty of organisations keen to manage your money. Most of them are very well resourced and compete for your business.

    We help you work out who is going to manage your money and make sure they are providing value for money, and the right service for you.

    Investing with purpose is very important to many of our clients, and we can help you align your beliefs with your investment choices.

  • Things could be pretty straightforward - then things can change dramatically.

    A need for savings to fund medical expenses, aged care, family needs, a holiday. A rapid change in market conditions.

    Sometimes you need a sounding board, as well as some specialist knowledge to crunch the numbers and keep you aware of the pitfalls.

    This is what we do.

  • Here is where it pays to be organised.

    There are so many different programs for retirees. All well intentioned, but from different levels of government, different departments, and varying from state to state.

    Also - you may not be eligible for a program now, but things may change in the future. We help you stay on top of this.

Other ways Later Life Advice can help you.

  • Things change - and your plans should reflect this.

    As retirement specialists this is what we watch the closest - we keep you up to date with changes and opportunities.

  • How do you plan to spend the rest of your life? This is something we are good at.

    They key is to put in the work to come up with a realistic plan - and check in to make changes over time.

    A good plan includes a close look at spending, and a clear understanding of how the government will help - now, and in the future.

  • As boring as it sounds, this is probably the key focus.

    Are your investments setup right? Have you applied for everything you should? Does your plan make sense? Have you got a plan for when things change? It feels good to be organised right? We can help.

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