The Hermitage Centre
Recovery retreat with professional support

 100% Confidential

 Maximum 4 clients

 Fast intake

Assessment within 24 hrs

No group therapy

1:1 counselling daily

Recognising Addiction: Spot the signs early

Recognising addiction involves identifying behavioural, physical, and psychological changes such as increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, neglect of responsibilities, social circle changes, and loss of interest in hobbies. Early recognition is crucial for timely intervention.

The Risks of Substance Abuse: Understand the dangers

Substance abuse poses severe risks to physical, mental, and social well-being. It can lead to health issues, mental health problems, and strained relationships. Understanding these risks highlights the importance of seeking help and making informed choices about substance use.

Do you struggle with Recovery?

Whether you are considering respite, recovery or recuperation for stress, addiction or health breakdown, we’re here to help you every step of the way. From the moment we meet you at the airport to the time you say goodbye, we are with you to assist with your process. Our warm and caring staff will make sure you have all your needs met so you have the best possible advantage in overcoming your health issues during your rehabilitation.

We help you through tailor made detox program using counselling and holistic therapies so you can recover in comfort and safety. We also offer long stay rehab for people who need to take a deeper step into their recovery process. We help everyone plan carefully with a strong relapse prevention plan when they exit this program.

Let us take care of you.

Do you struggle with addiction?

Whether you are considering respite, recovery or recuperation for stress, addiction or health breakdown, we’re here to help you every step of the way. From the moment we meet you at the airport to the time you say goodbye, we are with you to assist with your process. Our warm and caring staff will make sure you have all your needs met so you have the best possible advantage in overcoming your health issues.

We help you through tailor made program using counselling and holistic therapies so you can recover in comfort and safety. We also offer our short stay for people who would like to take a deeper step into their recovery process. We help everyone plan carefully with a strong relapse prevention plan when they exit this program.

Let us take care of you.

Taking the first step

Regardless of what stage you are at with your addiction, our expert staff will speak with you over the phone to make a plan for you that suits your needs. You may be looking for more information or you may be ready to start your withdrawal. We offer a service to people at various stages of change.

We treat our clients with respect, dignity and compassion.

We treat:

  • Cocaine
  • Alcohol
  • Ice/ Stimulants
  • Cannabis
  • Heroin
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Codeine
Drug rehab package deal qld

Create a new life

Building new relationships with loved ones, colleagues and friends takes time and patience. Without the support of trained addiction specialists, it’s hard to know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed is normal. We help you plan your recovery so you can get your life back on track. With the help of our counsellors, therapists and medical staff, you can finish your detox with confidence and the skills to step into a new phase of your life.

We will also provide your loved ones with family support resources to help them work with you.

Take time out.

“I never knew how good life would be without drugs”

Our services

We offer a supervised drug and alcohol withdrawal and rehabilitation in conjunction with complementary therapies. Our specialist medical practitioner will have an appointment with you before your arrival to make sure you have the right medication for your withdrawal process. Symptoms of withdrawal such as pain, insomnia, anxiety and nausea can all be alleviated with the right medication. Our trained staff are here to support you through this phase and supervise your medication regime to keep you safe and well.

It’s also important to take time out and relax during your withdrawal process and rehabilitation. Patients can also participate in yoga, meditation, art therapy and dance classes. We also offer patients regular massage, acupuncture, exercise, swimming (ocean or pool), light physical activity, nutrition, and vitamin and mineral therapy.

Intake process

Our trained staff will organise an intake assessment over the phone within 24 hours. From this discussion, you and our Supervisor will together create a plan for your admission asap. Our intake days are Mondays if you require a drug and alcohol withdrawal program. If you have already detoxed, admission can be any weekday. We stay in touch with you over the phone leading up to your arrival to help you stay on track.

Before your arrival you will need a doctor’s clearance letter to say you are medically fit for detox if you are needing a withdrawal program. Our prescriber will then organise a medical assessment appointment to discuss your medication needs offsite before your arrival. Your medication is kept securely during your withdrawal program.

‘Thank you all for your efforts, I have said it before and say it again, you have all gone above and beyond and for that we are very grateful. Your Service has ensured that …. has been supported to successfully detox and regain health. We pass on the thanks of the entire care team for…. to your service and staff as they are all grateful for your efforts…..’
– CP Cairns