Window Tinting Gold Coast

Window Tinting Gold Coast

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Welcome to Ultra Shade

  • Professional Window Tint on the Gold Coast

    If you require professional window tinting on the Gold Coast, Ultra Shade is the perfect choice. Based in Mermaid Beach, we offer window tinting for personal, industrial and corporate applications across the Gold Coast. Our team has the necessary expertise to deliver the appropriate services for each job. Our company is committed to providing every one of our clients with superior workmanship and a dedicated service. Feel free to contact us today to get an accurate quote for the cost of your project.

  • The Benefits of Window Tinting on the Gold Coast

    With window tint on the Gold Coast, you can enjoy the following benefits:

    • Lower electricity bills – Tinted windows help to keep temperatures cooler in summer and warmer in winter, meaning you won’t need to use heating or air-conditioning as often.
    • Reduced UV exposure – Our window tinting on the Gold Coast filters out 99% of UV radiation, meaning sun streaming through it won’t cause sunburn or fading of furniture.
    • Enhanced aesthetic appearance – Window tint adds a great look for everything from commercial buildings to cars.
    • Increased security and privacy – A window tint effectively prevents outsiders from looking in, providing you and your belongings with a higher level of security.
    • Reduced glare – Window tinting can cut down on harsh light entering through a window without using blinds or curtains, improving eye comfort and making it easier to view computer and TV screens.
    • Improved safety – When standard glass breaks, it can shatter into many pieces and cause injury. With glass tinting, the film holds shattered glass together in the event of breakage.
  • Our Glass Window Tinting Services

    Our services can be utilised in a variety of projects, ranging from personal and public spaces right through to cars and industrial equipment. We can help you with:

    Home Window Tinting on the Gold Coast

    As Gold Coast window tinting specialists, Ultra Shade can provide expert assistance with design and tinting needs for your home. We can help protect your home from harmful UV rays and maximise energy efficiency by keeping indoor areas cool in the summer or warm in the winter. Our glass tinting on the Gold Coast also helps to increase security and safety, making it difficult for potential threats to peer inside and identify anything of value which they might be encouraged to steal.

    Office Window Tinting

    If you’re looking to improve the comfort and safety of office employees, Ultra Shade can provide assistance with our professional office window tinting on the Gold Coast. We also offer a selection of decorative designer films to adorn interior glass and windows, allowing you to enhance the look of reception areas, meeting rooms and more so you can make a better impression on visitors.

    Commercial Window Tinting

    From restaurants through to retail stores, Ultra Tint can provide window tint solutions for a range of commercial establishments. In addition to improving energy efficiency, window tinting is ideal for boosting the security of your business by making it difficult for thieves to look inside.

    Security Tinting

    Our safety and security tinting on the Gold Coast is a popular choice for those looking to improve the safety of glass in the event of breakage. When glass shatters upon impact, it can be hazardous to children or passers-by. With our security tint film applied, shattered pieces will be held together, reducing the chance of injury. Our security tinting range also includes anti-graffiti films to reduce damage caused by vandalism.

    Automotive Tinting for Cars, Trucks, Industrial Equipment & More

    Our car window tinting on the Gold Coast is a fantastic way to give your vehicle a sleek new look, all while keeping you and your passengers safe from the harmful rays of the sun. Tinting also helps to keep inside temperatures manageable and comfortable during the hot summer and cold winter months. Our expertise and industry experience ensures that your car will look its best after utilising our Gold Coast car tinting services. We can also provide tinting for trucks and industrial equipment.

    Tinting the windows of these vehicles can drastically increase comfort for occupants, helping drivers and operators to stay cool and comfortable even on the hottest days. Our heavy-duty glass tinting is guaranteed to block out over 99% of the sun’s damaging rays while also reinforcing the glass, minimising the risk of it shattering and causing injury if broken.

  • Why Choose Ultra Shade?

    Our expert team possess years of industry experience, making us a leading window tinting specialist in Mermaid Beach and across the Gold Coast. We can customise any project to suit your budget and specific requirements. Whether you need personal window tinting on the Gold Coast for your car and home, or industrial-grade glass tinting for tractors and trucks, we can provide you with the quality services and solutions you require in a professional manner.

  • Contact Us Today

    Contact us now to ensure the safety, security and comfort of your home, office and vehicle with our window tinting on the Gold Coast. All of our work is guaranteed to be of the highest quality, ensuring a satisfying result. Get in touch through our contact page today.

  • Our Process

    Our process is very simple and practical. Our team will begin by inspecting your home and covering it with adhesives and tint films that offer the utmost privacy and the protection from UV rays.

  • Our Suppliers

    Since our inception, we have successfully maintained warm relationships with our valued suppliers. Our suppliers are among the finest manufacturers of window tint films and other adhesives, offering quality materials that match world standards.

  • Our Team

    We have a team of skilled professionals who always strive for new challenges. These professionals have been in this industry for years and have carved a niche for themselves through carrying out various customised tinting projects to meet residential and commercial requirements.

Why Window Tinting is a Must-Have for Gold Coast Homes and Businesses

Living on the beautiful Gold Coast, we all cherish the sunshine and stunning views. But that glorious sunshine can also bring unwanted heat, glare, and UV rays into our homes and workplaces. That's where window tinting comes in – a simple and effective solution that offers a multitude of benefits for Gold Coast residents.

At Ultrashade Tint, we're passionate about helping our customers create comfortable and stylish spaces.

Here's why window tinting is a must-have for Gold Coast homes and businesses:

  • Beat the Heat & Save on Energy Bills: The Gold Coast is known for its balmy weather, but that heat can make your air conditioning work overtime. Window tint acts as a shield, significantly reducing the amount of solar heat entering your property. This translates to cooler interiors, lower energy consumption, and substantial savings on your electricity bills.
  • Protect Yourself and Your Belongings from UV Rays: The Gold Coast's sunshine is beautiful, but excessive exposure to UV rays can be damaging. Window tinting blocks up to 99% of harmful UV rays, protecting your skin, furniture, and valuables from fading and sun damage.
  • Enhanced Privacy & Security: Window tint provides an extra layer of privacy, making it difficult for people to see into your home or office. This is especially beneficial for ground floor residences or buildings overlooking busy streets. Additionally, window film can help deter smash-and-grab attempts by making it harder to see valuables inside.
  • Reduce Glare and Eye Strain: The harsh glare from the sun can be uncomfortable and cause eye strain. Window tint significantly reduces glare, creating a more comfortable and relaxing environment in your home or workplace.
  • Improved Aesthetics: Window tint comes in a variety of styles and shades, allowing you to customise the look of your property. You can opt for a classic black tint for a sleek, modern look, or choose a lighter tint to enhance the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Ultrashade Tint is the Gold Coast's leading window tinting specialist. Our team of experts uses high-quality films and advanced techniques to ensure a perfect finish that enhances the look and functionality of your property.

Contact Ultrashade Tint today for a consultation and discover how window tinting can transform your Gold Coast home or business.

Our expert team possess years of industry experience, making us a leading window tinting specialist in Mermaid Beach and across the Gold Coast. We can customise any project to suit your bu...

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Window Tint Gold Coast
  • Automotive

  • Automotive

  • Automotive

  • Automotive

  • Home Tinting

  • Home Tinting

  • Home Tinting

  • Home Tinting

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Make an enquiry to please complete your details below or call us on 0418 335 858

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    our process

    Our process is very simple and practical and serves the core purpose. our team will first inspect the home and cover it with adhesives and tint films that can offer utmost privacy and the protection from UV rays.

    our process

    Since our inception, we have successfully maintained warm relationships with our valued suppliers. Our suppliers are finest manufacturers of tint films and other adhesives and offer quality materials that match the world standards.

    our process

    We have a team of skilled professionals who always strive for new challenges. these professionals are in this industry since years and have carved a niche for themselves by accomplishing various customized tinting projects for residential and commercial requirements.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The darkest legal window tinting in Queensland is 20 VLT for front-side, back-side and rear windows. VLT is short for visible transmissible light. A VLT of 20 means it’s possible for 20% of light to pass through the tint on the window. The lower the number, the less light can pass through. Front windscreens cannot be legally tinted in their entirety, as they must allow for maximum visibility.

    This can differ from state to state due to differing regulations, so it’s important to look up relevant information for the state you’re planning to drive in. In New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the ACT, a tint of up to 20 VLT is allowed, while Victoria and Tasmania can only have a tint of 35 VLT. The Northern Territory allows for the darkest glass tinting, with a VLT of 15.

    Tint can be illegal if you fail to follow your state’s regulations. There are limits on how dark a tint and can be and which windows it can be applied to. As long as you stick to these limits, window tinting in Melbourne and other states of Australia is completely legal.

    A 20% tint for your car windows is recommended, allowing you to see through the glass while driving while still providing you with privacy from onlookers and comfort from the glare or heat of the sun. Even this level of tint is enough to make seeing inside difficult up close, deterring would-be thieves.

    There are many benefits to getting window tint for your home, office or vehicle. It not only reduces glare from the sun, but can also protect you from harmful UV rays by blocking up to 99% of them. In addition, glass tinting protects interior materials, reduces heat, adds security, and improves safety when glass breaks.

    There are certainly DIY guides on how to install window tinting, but there are many reasons why you should trust a professional instead. For starters, they’ll be aware of the regulations for your state or territory and will be able to adhere to them. In addition, they’ll be sure to get the job done properly as well as give you a warranty that covers any issues that might arise, which you simply won’t get if you do it yourself.

    The cost of window tinting in Gold Coast varies depending on what you want tinted, how much film is required, the quality of the film, and numerous other factors. Our specialist can chat with you to discuss your goals and take these things into account in order to provide an accurate estimate.

    There are many reasons why you should choose Ultra Shade for glass tinting in Melbourne. We’re backed by over three decades of experience and offer 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed. Furthermore, we take pride in offering the best quality, pricing and customer service.

    Make an Enquiry
    Make an enquiry to please complete your details below or call us on 0418 335 858

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