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Friendly Team

The Total Attic Storage team are very sensitive to the needs of the families who invite us into their homes. The team are open to every concept, idea, or vision that a customer may have, and endeavour to provide a service to match their requirements. We are hardworking, clean, efficient, friendly, caring, dedicated and we are trustworthy.

Easy Process

Simply fill out our enquiry form, send us an email or request a call back and we will respond within 4 hours. Thats what sets us apart. You will receive a copy of our pricing and packages guide and from, there you can book in a quote using our on line calendar. We even offer same day quote/installs.

5 Year Peace Of Mind 

Peace of mind for the next five years? That's exactly what you get with our 5-year warranty. It's not just a promise; it's our iron-clad guarantee that your investment is protected. We stand firmly behind the quality of our work, so you can enjoy your enhanced storage solutions without a single worry.

Quality Materials 

For our Standard and Dust Proof storage solutions, we use high-quality structural H2 treated timber for battening and framing, complemented by durable 19mm termite treated particle board for flooring. The Dust Proof Storage is lined with a high quality  aircell membrane that not only seals the space but offers additional insulation, marrying functionality with aesthetics.

Our Services Include

Attic Ladders   // Storage Platforms   //  Ventilation  // Dust Proof Rooms // Skylights  // Roof Cavity Cleans 

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Attic Ladders

Whether you intend to use the roof space for storage, or simply require access to electrical wires, plumbing, or other trade services, we can help you gain safe and easy access to your roof space with one of our quality timber or metal attic ladders.


Storage Platforms

Platform attic storage areas are the perfect solution for people looking for a standard, easy-to-access storage area for their occasional-use items.

This clean, safe attic storage option is best for storing sealed boxes and storage containers, camping equipment, sports gear, and other occasional-use items such as Christmas tree and decorations.

Total Attic storage

We understand how the Perth summer works, it's hot! Some roof areas can get up to 70 degrees!

Here at Total Attic Storage, we have several options to take the heat out of the roof area. Not only is this beneficial if you are going to be storing your stuff in there but more so for the overall comfort of your house. A hot roof area forces your air conditioner to work harder to cool the ducting, resulting in a bigger power bill.


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Dust Proof Rooms

We'll tailor a dust-proof storage room to meet your unique needs and budget

500+ Homes Transformed 

 Satisfaction Guaranteed

 Affordable Prices

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