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Welcome to the official website of NRG Financial Services, The go-to destination for your financial needs. With over two decades of experience in the finance industry, we aim to help you navigate the complex world of home loans and financial services.
Choose us as your trusted partner to experience the difference in personalised service, industry expertise, and unwavering commitment to your financial success. Contact us today to get started on your financial journey.

Extensive Experience

With over two decades in the finance industry, our deep knowledge and expertise ensure you receive reliable guidance and tailored solutions.

Commitment to the Community

As active members of the local community, we are dedicated to making a positive impact beyond financial services.

Personalised Approach

We take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, providing personalised solutions that address your specific circumstances.

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Unmatched Industry Connections

Our affiliation with the country's largest broking company gives us access to a vast network of lenders and financial products, ensuring a wide range of options for you.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Our advanced tools and systems streamline the home loan application process, enabling efficient comparisons and informed decision-making.

Trusted Professional Affiliations

We are proud members of respected industry associations, reflecting our commitment to professionalism, ethics, and your best interests.

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Transforming Possibilities and Inspiring Triumph - Our Managing Director, the Navigator of Achievement

At NRG Financial Services, Tim Jennings’s dedication to excellence and his passion for helping clients achieve their financial goals are the driving forces behind our success. Tim holds a Master of Business Degree from Newcastle University, demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry trends. With his extensive background in mortgage broking, he possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in securing the right home loan tailored to your unique circumstances.

With his own Australian Credit Licence number 384496, Tim operates with the utmost professionalism and transparency. He is a staunch advocate for his clients, ensuring their best interests are always at the forefront of every financial decision. Tim’s commitment to ethical conduct is further exemplified by his role as a Justice of the Peace.

Beyond his financial expertise, Tim is also a Station Officer for Fire and Rescue NSW, highlighting his unwavering commitment to serving and protecting the local community. As a resident of Newcastle and the Hunter, he has an intimate understanding of the region’s unique needs and is dedicated to assisting his fellow community members in achieving their financial goals.

Tim is a proud member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (44198) and the Finance Brokers Association of Australia (member number 3054), demonstrating his commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards. Additionally, he carries Professional Indemnity Insurance of up to $20,000,000, providing you with peace of mind and protection.

Tim utilizes state-of-the-art technology to simplify the home loan application process for you. With the capability to objectively compare 1,650 of the latest financial products from over 40 lenders, including the Big 4 Banks, he ensures you have access to the most competitive options available.

We invite you to experience the difference of working with a trusted broker who genuinely cares about your financial well-being.

Transforming Possibilities and Inspiring Triumph - Our Managing Director

At NRG Financial Services, Tim Jennings’s dedication to excellence and his passion for helping clients achieve their financial goals are the driving forces behind our success. Tim holds a Master of Business Degree from Newcastle University, demonstrating his commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry trends. With his extensive background in mortgage broking, he possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in securing the right home loan tailored to your unique circumstances.

With his own Australian Credit Licence number 384496, Tim operates with the utmost professionalism and transparency. He is a staunch advocate for his clients, ensuring their best interests are always at the forefront of every financial decision. Tim’s commitment to ethical conduct is further exemplified by his role as a Justice of the Peace.

Beyond his financial expertise, Tim is also a Station Officer for Fire and Rescue NSW, highlighting his unwavering commitment to serving and protecting the local community. As a resident of Newcastle and the Hunter, he has an intimate understanding of the region’s unique needs and is dedicated to assisting his fellow community members in achieving their financial goals.

Tim is a proud member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (44198) and the Finance Brokers Association of Australia (member number 3054), demonstrating his commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards. Additionally, he carries Professional Indemnity Insurance of up to $20,000,000, providing you with peace of mind and protection.

Tim utilises state-of-the-art technology to simplify the home loan application process for you. With the capability to objectively compare 1,650 of the latest financial products from over 40 lenders, including the Big 4 Banks, he ensures you have access to the most competitive options available.

We invite you to experience the difference of working with a trusted broker who genuinely cares about your financial well-being.

Tim Jennings

Managing Director

Enhancing Efficiency and Empowering Progress - Our Executive Assistant, the Fuel for Growth

Meet the dedicated executive Afrida who plays a pivotal role in the success of NRG Financial Services.
As the Executive at NRG Financial Services, Afrida is responsible for overseeing the company’s operations, driving growth initiatives, and ensuring the highest standards of customer service. With her keen business acumen and analytical mindset, she consistently identifies opportunities for improvement and guides the implementation of effective strategies.
Afrida’s exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to build strong relationships contribute to the seamless collaboration between team members and clients. Driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on clients’ financial journeys, Afrida is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses achieve their goals. Her unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with her ability to navigate complex financial landscapes, makes her an invaluable asset to the NRG Financial Services team.

Afrida Kaiser

Admin Executive

Afrida Kaiser

Admin Executive


Thousands of loans, multiple lenders.
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Attentive, particular and thorough. Extremely helpful in assisting thru the process. Highly recommend!!! Thank you !!

Richard Jay December 1, 2022

Thank you to Tim and his team for helping us to refinance our home loan, they took the stress out of it and guided us through every step of the process. Tim is always very friendly and was very quick to respond to my emails and messages.

Jess Sowter November 3, 2022
Stacey Phillips June 30, 2021
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How many ways can you buy a swimming pool? Question: How many ways can you buy a swimming pool? Answer: At least 8 different ways that I can think of. And not all of those ways may be suitable for everyone - here is my list. Not everyone wants a swimming pool either. But perhaps a new car, maybe a boat, a motorbike or a decent holiday? A caravan or a new garage? An aeroplane even? Doesn't really matter what it is, but if you need to spend a serious amount of money, it may be worth looking at some of the things you can do with your home loan to facilitate your new purchase. You see, 6 of those 8 different ways I mentioned actually involve your home loan, so it's probably worth a look first, just to make sure. That's where I can help. It doesn't cost anything to check out what would work for you, and then you can actually make an informed choice. The least I can do is point you in the right direction and the privacy act ensures our conversation is entirely confidential. What do you think? Contact me and we'll see where you stand.

Want to go green? Contact me for a loan that pays itself off with your power bill savings.

Have you accumulated a little extra credit card or personal loan debt? Or are you managing multiple balances with high interest rates? Our team can help you take control of your debt with a low-rate debt consolidation loan. Our partners offer a fast, simple process to simplify your payments and start saving with lower interest rates. Don�t delay, get in touch today!

Have you spotted a property bargain recently? If you think there may be a few property bargains just waiting for you to check them out, why don't you ask me to confirm your borrowing capacity before you go and have a look around? There have been lots of changes in home loans too, so a bit of homework could be worthwhile. It doesn't cost anything to find out and usually only takes a few minutes. The least I can do is point you in the right direction and the privacy act ensures our conversation is entirely confidential. Some of my more astute investors take the opportunity during these times to purchase more investment properties while the market conditions are good. If you'd like to know more about this, contact me about using your equity to purchase an investment property. An email or a phone call is all it takes.

I recently heard an inspiring story about a young lady named Hannah. Hannah was living with her boyfriend of several years, Sam, and they had been saving to buy a home together in the near future. She had a small amount of money in her personal bank account, but most of her savings were in the joint bank account that they had opened together. One day Hannah came home to find that Sam had suddenly moved out. His clothes were all gone, and he had taken the television and the computer. There was no warning, although in hindsight she recalled a few small things that she failed to notice. Hannah was left alone with the rent to pay, unsure of what had happened. It turned out that Sam had a gambling addiction, and it wasn't until a couple of days later that Hannah discovered he had emptied their joint account. Rather than giving up hope on her dream of buying a home, Hannah took her disappointment in stride and got to work. The lease was nearly up on the unit anyway, so she declined the offer to renew. A friend had mentioned housesitting as a method of living cheaply, and Hannah saw this as an opportunity to start saving again. Over the next two years, she looked after six houses - all very luxurious homes in great locations near the city, and she saved as much of her wage as possible. Within two years, Hannah had saved $50k, which was enough for a deposit and stamp duties on a small unit. Although it was a bit of a downgrade from the luxury that housesitting had provided, she was absolutely thrilled to have finally reached her goal of owning a property - and without help from anyone else. This story is a reminder of how you really can recover from any setback if you're dedicated enough. Things go wrong, and people lose money all the time, but if you think outside of the square you will find a way to improve your situation in no time.


Make your house a home with a low cost home improvement loan.

If you are worried about rates rising - a Split Loan may be a good choice. I have been receiving many enquiries this month as a result of the last RBA announcement and movement of interest rates. It's a very confusing time for our clients at the moment and their biggest question right now is should I fix my loan or not? Some clients are choosing to set up a split loan facility. This means that you can fix a portion of your loan and leave the rest of the loan on a variable interest rate. This provides more flexibility than fixing your whole loan while at the same time gives you some peace of mind that a portion of you loan repayments will be at a regular and predicted amount each month. If you want a quick look to see what your payments might look like using this facility, please check our split loan calculator on our website and then call me if you are interested in further discussions. I am here to help you achieve your best financial outcome so please call at anytime for help or more information.

We all dream of becoming mortgage-free forever. Paying off that loan sooner so that you can enjoy your twilight years without shopping around for the best deal on tinned spaghetti. This dream can seem a bit out of reach for those already on a tight budget, but don't worry - there are Six Steps that will shave years off your loan at the other end, and have you sipping cocktails on a cruise ship in no time. Today we will focus on the first step: Choose the right loan in the first place. There are many home loan choices out there, and it can all seem very overwhelming if you're about to purchase a property. It might be tempting to keep all of your banking in the same place for simplicity. Many borrowers apply with their current bank, just to get it over and done with. But the right choice of loan can make all the difference in the long term. Don't assume your current bank branch has your best interests at heart, the more interest you pay the more profitable they are. When some clients of mine and I reviewed their mortgage, we found that they were paying a far higher interest rate than what many lenders were offering to new clients. They refinanced with a new lender to save around 1% on their variable interest rate. This might not sound like a huge figure, but on their loan of $400k, Liz and John were able to shave $98,529 and five years off their mortgage. It's important to shop around for a competitive interest rate, but also consider what sort of loan is best suited to your individual needs. If you plan to make lump-sum repayments to try and get the loan paid off sooner, you might like to consider a variable rate loan, which usually allows you to make extra repayments, and then redraw that money if necessary. If you want the security of set repayment amounts, a fixed-rate loan could be your best option. By taking the time to compare home loan products, you can achieve your financial goals sooner than you thought. Stay tuned for your next step to becoming mortgage free!


Variable Interest Rate - Are you sure this is the right choice for you? With so many different loans on the market, it's easy to get a little confused. It's not always simple to work out which lender is offering the best deal, or who has the best interest rate. One of the main choices you need to make early on, is whether to opt for a standard variable interest rate, or a fixed rate loan. Many lenders offer fixed rate loans for 1 to 3 years, some even offer periods of up to 10 years without a change to your interest rate. So with all of this certainty on offer, what are the benefits of the old-fashioned variable interest rate? Lower interest rate Usually your rate will be lower than a fixed rate mortgage, meaning that you pay less interest. Variable rates are generally lower than fixed rates. If you choose to fix your rate, you're paying for the certainty that this offers. Take advantage of decreasing cash rate If your lender reduces their standard variable interest rate, your interest will be reduced accordingly, meaning that you always pay the lowest standard rate that your lender is offering. So when the Reserve Bank lowers the official cash rate, there is a good chance that your repayments will reduce. Features and Flexibility Usually standard variable rate loans offer an array of features that you don't get with a fixed rate loan. Most variable rate loans give you the flexibility to make additional payments when you want to, but then redraw the extra money again later if your situation changes. Many lenders also allow offset accounts for your savings which reduce the overall interest charged on your loan - because the bank takes your savings into account before calculating your interest. When you opt for a variable rate loan, you always have the flexibility to fix your rate later, meaning that you can wait and see if rates are further reduced, potentially saving you money. If you have already fixed your rate, you will continue to pay the same interest rate even when the official cash rate continues to decrease. On the other hand though, if the official cash rate rises, your loan repayments will increase accordingly. Did you make the mistake of borrowing too much? If you opt for a variable rate loan, and then interest rates start to rise, you might find that you struggle to meet your repayments. To avoid issues in the future, it's really important that you take the time to compare the loans available to you, and choose the loan that suits your lifestyle and budget.

Would you like to improve the environmental efficiency of your home, save money on your energy bills and increase the value of your property? Our team can help arrange low-rate finance for energy efficient products. Our partners offer a fast, simple process and access to funds typically within 48 hours. Don�t delay, get in touch today!


Don't let this avoidable home buying disaster happen to you: We all get a little excited when we finally find 'the one'. After months of dragging yourself around to open houses, finally it looks like you might be in with a chance, on a property that you really like. Of course, you have probably been instructed by your mortgage broker to add a condition in your offer that makes it 'subject to finance'. This protects you just in case there are problems getting your loan over the line, so that you don't lose your deposit. But one thing that a surprising number of borrowers fail to do is arrange a building and pest inspection report. It might seem like a waste of time - you've probably heard from friends that they paid for a report and nothing came of it. That's your ideal scenario. What you don't want is what happened to Matt and Sarah. Matt and Sarah had been trying for over a year to purchase their first home. They had enough saved to cover their bases. Finance was pre-approved, and they were making good offers with no luck. Finally they found a great potential home, and they decided to give it a go. The agent advised the couple that there were a few other offers on the table, so they would need to put in a strong 'unconditional' offer to have a chance of success. Unconditional meant no 'subject to finance' clause, and no 'subject to building and pest inspection' condition. The decision was a tough one - do what the agent was suggesting, or probably go back to the drawing board again. Matt and Sarah decided to go for it - they had their finance pre-approved anyway, and the house seemed fine - Matt had already looked under the porch and couldn't see any sign of trouble. They were thrilled when they received a call back from the agent almost immediately asking them to come and sign up their offer. Although they hadn't protected themselves in case of problems with obtaining finance, everything went smoothly with the settlement and before long the couple were living in their new home together. After a couple of months in the home, Matt decided it was time to repaint the exterior. They didn't have a lot of money left over but it was only going to be a few hundred dollars for all of the paint and equipment. That was until he discovered the wood damage around all of the windows and doors. Then he found it underneath the floorboards as well. He came to the horrible realisation that they had bought a house with a termite infestation. Termite damage can cost an absolute fortune to fix, depending on the extent of the damage and the location of the termites. In this case, Matt and Sarah still have not been able to afford the necessary repairs and they are considering selling their home. It's not uncommon for this sort of repair work to run into the tens of thousands - if not more. All of this trouble can be avoided, if you arrange a building and pest inspection report. If the vendor refuses this inspection - you have to ask yourself what they are trying to hide.

Is 50 sneaking up on you or has it arrived for someone you know? The biggest question on most people's minds (in the age group 50 to 65) is... "Will we outlive our savings?" There are plenty of options available to properly fund your retirement, as long as you start early enough. For more details, read our "Is 50 quickly approaching" guide.

Speak to me about finance for your greener home.


Mistakes to avoid when purchasing a property: Your home is probably the biggest purchase of your life. It makes sense that you should give this decision the attention it deserves, and do your homework. Why then, do so many people get it wrong? Searching without getting finance approval There's nothing worse than finding your ideal home, only to miss out because you're still trying to get your finance approved. To avoid disappointment, don't even glance at the property listings until you sit down with a mortgage broker. It can take a few weeks to get your ducks in a row, so there's no point getting excited until you know what you can spend. Lack of research Many purchasers get swept up in the moment and don't take the time to do the necessary research when buying a property. How do you know you're getting a good deal if you don't know what other houses in the same area have sold for? It's important to keep a close eye on sold results in your area before you make a move. That way you will be better placed to negotiate with the selling agent. Putting your trust in selling agents When meeting the agent who is selling your dream home, you might be pleasantly surprised at how helpful and genuine he seems. He might ask you plenty of questions about your budget, and what sort of home you're looking for. He will probably offer to put you on his mailing list so that you're the first to know about new properties for sale. Don't be fooled - this guy is working for the vendor, and it's his job to get the best possible price for his client. He probably is a nice guy to his family and friends, but to you - he's on a need-to-know basis. Watch what you say, and don't get your hopes up if he offers to 'help you get a good deal'. Stretching your budget Many homebuyers fall into the trap of spending more than they can afford to repay. You might be pleased when a lender offers you more than what you originally planned to borrow. But without knowing everything about you and your lifestyle it's really just the computer throwing out a number. You are the expert when it comes to your own habits, and it's important to allow for unexpected costs, and some interest rate rises when deciding how much to borrow. Purchasing without an inspection report It might seem obvious if you're a details person, but obtaining a 'building and pest inspection report' is something that often gets overlooked. Many buyers think that the vendor will reject their offer if it has too many conditions, and decide that they will forgo their right to have the property inspected by an expert. The reality is - if the vendor isn't willing to allow this inspection, they either know about a problem with the property, or they haven't paid enough attention to be sure that there's nothing wrong. Either way, this might not be your ideal purchase. Just think - how would you afford to pay for the house to be re-stumped if you discover a problem down the track? Failing to account for additional costs associated with owning a home It's expensive to own a home. That's just the way it is. You will now be responsible for lots of costs that previously belonged to your landlord, such as council rates, water rates, home building insurance, maintaining fences, replacing broken hot water systems - and the list goes on. Make sure you have enough in savings so that you can still sleep at night. Buying a property sight unseen It seems insane but there are people out there who will purchase a property without actually going to see it. Maybe they are looking to move interstate, or cannot attend due to an overseas trip. Whatever the reason, this is obviously a huge risk, and it often ends in a world of pain. Don't put yourself in this vulnerable position, unless you have a buyer's agent working on your behalf, and you have a rigorous inspection report done by a qualified professional.

Discover 5 ways to attract your ideal tenant: You've made the decision to purchase an investment property, and you're ready to tackle your new role of 'landlord' with diligence and enthusiasm. So it would make sense to buy the property first, then hire an agent, decide on the rent and interview tenants - right? No, actually. If you want to attract the ideal tenant, it's quite the opposite. 1. Purchase the investment property with your ideal tenant in mind Before you purchase your investment property, it pays to think about who your ideal tenant is. Are they a professional couple, a family, or someone in their older years? Once you have a firm idea of who you would like to rent to, you can start to put yourself in the tenant's shoes and think about what the property should offer. If your ideal tenant is a professional person, look for properties with good access to transport, an easy commute to the nearest CBD. If you prefer a young family, then schools, kindergartens, shopping centres and sporting facilities will be on the menu. 2. Presentation pays off The best tenants are not likely to be impressed by a mouldy smell coming from the wardrobe, or a bright yellow toilet seat from 1970. Try to make some inexpensive improvements if you can, and present the property as a clean and comfortable home. Ensure that everything is in good working order, and try to keep colours neutral. 3. Price for the market, don't increase the rent too much Research other properties for rent in the area, and price your rent accordingly. Once you do manage to find that dream tenant - don't increase the rent too often, or too much. This will only encourage tenants to look elsewhere. A $10 per week rise might seem like a good idea in the long term, but if your property sits empty for months between tenants that will represent a far greater loss. 4. Screen agents and tenants carefully Before you sign up with a real estate agency or property manager, find out about their track record and the way they like to do things. How do they handle complaints about the property, or tenants who default on the rent? How often will they carry out inspections? Make sure they have a rigorous process in place for screening tenants, and make your wishes clear from the beginning. 5. Invest in landlord's insurance If all else fails, landlord's insurance can really save the day. Make sure you invest in a good insurance policy that covers you for any damage by tenants, unpaid rent or liability claims.


Have you spotted a property bargain recently? If you think there may be a few property bargains just waiting for you to check them out, why don't you ask me to confirm your borrowing capacity before you go and have a look around? There have been lots of changes in home loans too, so a bit of homework could be worthwhile. It doesn't cost anything to find out and usually only takes a few minutes. The least I can do is point you in the right direction and the privacy act ensures our conversation is entirely confidential. Some of my more astute investors take the opportunity during these times to purchase more investment properties while the market conditions are good. If you'd like to know more about this, contact me about using your equity to purchase an investment property. An email or a phone call is all it takes.

If you are Self Employed - here is an easier way to get a home loan. If you work for yourself, you know the sense of achievement that can come with building your business from the ground up. Many self-employed people are fantastic with money, and able to juggle a wide variety of demands on their time and their budget. In spite of this, they often find it very difficult to obtain a home loan. The unfortunate dilemma facing self-employed borrowers is - how to demonstrate income using traditional means. Accountants will help you find ways to reduce your taxable income when you work for yourself - which is not just acceptable but often essential if your business is to survive in our complex taxation system. Depreciating assets such as equipment and vehicles, incorporating as many costs as possible into the business expenses and allocating some payments to a spouse are all ways that businesses try to minimise their tax liabilities. But the downside of this strategy is - if you make the income disappear, you can't bring it back again when you try to apply for a home loan. As a result, many self-employed borrowers aren't able to qualify for a traditional loan. The solution to this problem is a loan that was created with self-employed borrowers in mind - the Low-Doc loan. Low doc means that there is a low amount of documentation required, compared with other lending methods. Usually you can use your quarterly BAS statements and bank records to help demonstrate your income - which is also useful if you're not up to date with income tax returns. This option isn't for everyone though. You will usually pay a higher interest rate for one of these loans because the lenders still view self-employed borrowers as a higher risk. Generally you can't borrow more than 80% of the property value - which means that on a purchase price of $400k, you would need a deposit of $80k just to start the conversation. On top of that, you usually have to pay all of the upfront costs associated with purchasing the property, such as stamp duties and legal fees. There are some very strict conditions that lenders require when offering Low-Doc loans, but if you have struggled to get a traditional loan due to being self-employed, this could be the solution for you.

What you need to know about the most important part of your home loan: Are you an expert on all lending related topics? That's okay - most people aren't. If you're still trying to understand the truth about interest rates, you're not alone. Here are a few answers to the questions you were too embarrassed to ask. How are interest rates determined? The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) sets the official interest rate or 'cash rate' which takes into account a whole list of factors about how the economy is performing at that point in time. The RBA meets once a month to review the inflation rate, unemployment figures, CPI, PPI and retail sales, and from that information they decide whether to increase, decrease or leave on hold the official cash rate. The cash rate is the interest rate that the banks and lenders will pay to the reserve bank. If this increases, your lender will usually pass the cost onto you - the borrower. If the cash rate decreases - the reserve bank intends that the savings should also be passed on by your lender - but this isn't always the case. By moving the interest rates up and down, the RBA tries to keep the Australian economy in check, by either slowing things down to keep the cost of living under control, or speeding up spending to help boost growth in certain areas. What are the different types of interest rates? The two main types of interest rates are Variable and Fixed. Variable rates are usually a bit lower, and you pay the best going rate at the time. If the cash rate increases, your lender will increase your variable interest rate. But if the cash rate decreases, your repayments will usually go down. Fixed interest rates are locked in for a period of time -usually just a couple of years - so that you know exactly how much you will need to budget for. This can be helpful for borrowers on a strict budget who can't afford a lot of interest rate rises in the short term. However you will usually pay a higher interest rate overall if you choose this option. Which interest rate is best for me? The decision of whether to choose a variable or fixed interest rate should be made after carefully considering your own personal needs and commitments. A mortgage broker should be able to help you weigh up the pros and cons to work out the best option.


If you really want to save money - it might be time to refinance. Should you refinance? "My lender is charging me a higher home loan rate than I see advertised elsewhere. Can I change lenders?" This is exactly the reason why most people change lenders. There may be a penalty clause in your current home loan, meaning you may need to pay a discharge fee, but it could still be in your financial interests to change. When shopping around it is always important to look for the comparison rate of a product. A comparison rate is essentially the true rate, taking into account the fees and charges you will pay on the loan. So even though you see a lower rate it doesn't mean the repayments are less. "I have just come off a 'honeymoon' interest rate to a much higher rate. Can I move lenders or am I locked into my mortgage?" You can walk away from most mortgages, although penalty fees sometimes apply to fixed rate loans. "If I move my mortgage to a new lender, is there anything stopping that lender from increasing their rates in a few months time?" It depends what kind of product you have. If you're concerned about rising rates, perhaps you should consider a fixed rate home loan, where repayments are fixed for a period from 1 to 5 years. "Why do some lenders charge more than others for lending the same amount of money?" Banks and other lenders pay different amounts for the money they on-lend to you, they have different overhead structures and different profit expectations. All these factors affect how much they charge to lend people money. "What documentation do I need to refinance?" The last 3 - 6 months of mortgage statements is sufficient to begin this process. I can advise on other documentation.

The longer you take to pay off your home, the more you are going to pay. There are many strategies to reduce your loan. Click here to download my "Top 12 Tips to Paying Your Off Home Loan Sooner".


Six Steps to becoming mortgage-free - Step 6: Is the grass greener on the other side? Do you ever wonder if the grass really is greener on the other side? The question today is: are you getting the best deal on your mortgage? How would you like to make a few small changes that could lead you on the path to becoming mortgage-free and financially fabulous? Well, there are six simple steps that you can implement today, that will help you knock over that home loan in record time. In the past weeks, we learned how choosing the best possible loan product could make a big difference to your back pocket. How changing the frequency of your repayments could lower your interest. Why it makes sense to pay more off your loan whenever possible, how to make the most of handy features like offset accounts, and redraw facilities, and why refusing lollies from strangers is always a good idea. Step 6: Refinance for a better deal The fierce and ongoing competition between lenders in the home loan market can sometimes play out like a scene from Gladiator. But the clear victor emerging from this never-ending battle is you - if you keep your finger on the pulse. Now more than ever, it's vital that you keep assessing your financial needs and look out for opportunities to get a better deal on your loan. Even though you compared your options and secured the best deal a few years ago, that doesn't mean that your current interest rate is the best, or even close. By refinancing with another lender you could reduce your costs, and save time. Many borrowers who refinance are able to save as much as 1% off their interest rate, which could mean paying that loan off several years earlier than planned. If you haven't reviewed your options for a while, it pays to speak with your mortgage broker and find out if the grass really could be greener on the other side. It could make all the difference if you want to pay your loan off sooner, and keep more money in your pocket in the process.


One little mistake that could ruin your life - and how to avoid it. There are so many things you need to organise when you purchase a property, and many buyers become quite overwhelmed with all of the paperwork, and coordinating their move. Mistakes can be made, and you might be surprised if you knew how many people forget to do a thorough inspection before settlement. By thorough inspection, I don't mean turning the lights on and off and looking for marks on the wall. The biggest mistake that many buyers make at the last hurdle, is forgetting to measure the boundaries of the property to check that everything is correct. You might think that this isn't really a big deal - who cares if the neighbour has a few centimetres of your back yard? Well sometimes it can make or break you financially, and cause an enormous amount of stress and conflict in your life. Meet the Wilsons: The Wilson family discovered the importance of checking boundaries when they moved from their 3 bedroom townhouse to a house with a big backyard in Fremantle last year. It was a hectic time for everyone, and it wasn't easy packing up the house with a baby and a toddler to think about. When the Wilsons did their final inspection, everything looked to be in order. The vendors had left the house wonderfully clean which was very helpful. They even mowed the lawns and replaced some of the light bulbs. The couple had forgotten to borrow a measuring wheel but they took a couple of minutes to count their paces along the boundary line to see that the title was correct. It wasn't until several months later that the family was confronted by their new neighbour on the left. He'd been measuring his block to get a planning permit through the council for a possible home extension. In the process, he discovered that the Wilson's garage on the edge of their property was actually built over 1.5 metres of his land. What followed was a lengthy legal battle which was expensive and stressful for all parties. In the end, the Wilsons were forced to tear down one side of their garage and make alterations to reduce its size. They also had to remove and rebuild the fence along the left boundary of their property. This is a great example of why it's so important to do your research when you buy a property, and avoid ending up in a similar situation.


How to buy with a friend - without killing the friendship or your credit rating Have you ever heard the expression, 'no friends in business'? It's an oldie but a goodie. This is the attitude you should bring when considering buying property with a friend. Many good friendships have gone under the bus, and lots of people have taken a bullet to their credit rating by not giving this decision adequate thought. So what are the risks involved with co-ownership, especially when you purchase with a friend? What if one owner wants to sell? One of the biggest problems with co-ownership is when one owner decides they want to sell the property, but the other owners don't agree. This often ends up in court, and the process can be costly and upsetting for everyone. And needless to say - the friendship probably won't survive. Buying could be harder in the future. It might seem like the dream scenario to invest now with your best friend. But if you decide in a few years to purchase a home to live in, the lender will assess your financial commitments based on the whole loan for the first property, not just the portion that you agreed to cover. This could make it very difficult for you to get another loan. You could be left holding the baby. If something happens and your friend is unable to make their repayments, you could be left in the difficult situation of repaying the entire loan by yourself. Coupled with your other living expenses, you might not be in a position to cover the whole amount yourself. But there are some ways that you can reduce the risk, if you are keen to purchase property with a friend: 1) Put a legal will in place. It's important to make arrangements for what will happen to your assets if you pass away or become incapacitated. 2) Draw up a co-ownership agreement. If you can think about any issues that might possibly come up in the future, and have an agreement in place to solve them, you're less likely to wind up in court trying to work things out. 3) Choose the right structure - tenants in common, or joint tenants. Tenants in common can own a different portion of the property, and they need to specify in their will who will inherit their portion if they die. Joint tenants jointly and equally own the property, and if one person dies, their share automatically goes to the other(s) regardless of the instructions in their will. 4) Choose the right person. It's important to discuss your financial goals and values before you enter into this sort of arrangement. You need to feel comfortable knowing that your friend will be financially secure enough to keep up their end of the bargain - otherwise you might be left trying to cover the repayments alone. It's important to think about your own relationships as well, if your partner is keen for you to buy a house together next year, you might want to think about how this first investment might impact your borrowing power.


If things have changed recently - a Home Loan Update may be in order. When I speak to clients I am often surprised at how much their lives have changed since we last spoke. Some have married or unmarried, had children, changed jobs, bought a car, got carried away with their credit cards or even changed their financial goals all together! Sometimes real life gets in the way of our best laid plans and juggling the family finances becomes a challenge. If your life has changed, it is definitely worth spending a little time for a financial check up. It doesn't cost anything for me to take a look at your situation and see if there is any way I can help you get set for the next set of changes in your life. Don't worry about wasting my time if you don't need a new loan. My job is to give you ongoing guidance on the lending options which are right for you and your future. We might not need to change anything at all. However, the banks change their loan offerings constantly and it can be hard to keep track of whether you are in the best loan or could be getting a better deal elsewhere. Satisfy your curiosity and give yourself some peace of mind. Give me a call today. Or if you prefer, you could even just fill out this form and fax or email it to me and then I'll get back to you with some ideas. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.


Buying and selling at the same time - discover the Big Question that could make or break you. Are you nearly ready to upgrade your home? It's often a natural progression - we come to a point where the house is just too small to fit everyone comfortably. Maybe it's got to the stage where you really need a home office. When you decide to make the move, one of the biggest questions will be - 'should I sell my home before I purchase the next property, or buy first and sell later?' Selling first... One of the biggest benefits of selling you home first, is that you won't commit to a new home until you know how much your old home has sold for. It's difficult to shop for a property without knowing what your budget is, so this method is safest if you want to avoid getting yourself in some hot water financially. It's easier to get finance when you sell first, because you will ideally have some equity from your original home ready to contribute to the purchase of your next home. If you sell your home first, you won't be trying to cover the cost of two loans if your home doesn't sell as quickly as you thought it would. You could also request a long settlement period when you sell, to give yourself time to search for a new property. One the flipside though, if you aren't able to get a buyer to agree to a long settlement, you might be forced to rent while looking for a new home. This means moving twice, unpacking and repacking, and going through all of the fuss of sorting out utilities, internet and other services. If it takes a long time to find another home, there could be upward movement in the property market, leaving you with less purchasing power to buy the type of home you want. Buying first... If you're financially able, buying first can be a lot more convenient. There's no need to rent between homes. You might even be able to move into the new home before you sell the other, making it a lot easier to keep your original property looking nice for inspections. Many people find their dream home before they sell. If you have already stumbled on 'the one' it probably won't be on the market by the time you sell and settle on your home. However if you take out bridging finance, you will be paying a loan on both homes until your old home is sold. So depending on your financial capabilities, this could be a risky decision. It might take a lot longer to sell your home than what you estimated. Sometimes there is no good reason why some properties sell almost immediately and others take quite some time to move. You might feel pressured to sell quickly if you already bought, and you could end up accepting a lower price in order to get it over and done with. Renting your home - the other option This one is definitely a conversation to have with your accountant, but if you can afford it - the other option is to keep your existing property and rent it out. This could get you on the fast track to creating wealth through property investment - just make sure you get the right tax advice and check that you can cover all of your costs. It's particularly important to budget for times when you might be in-between tenants for a few weeks or more. Could you cover both loans while there is no rent coming in.

How to buy a property overseas without losing the lot: Every year, more and more Australians make the decision to invest in overseas real estate. Some are your 'perma-vacationers' -those people who enjoy their holiday so much that they never want to go home. Others have managed to enjoy lucrative investments by choosing the right property in a great location. But there are many risks involved in deciding to purchase a property overseas, and it's essential that you do a lot of leg-work to make sure that you don't end up becoming a cautionary tale for others. Research is everything. Just as you would research your home purchase here in Australia, it's vital that you do a lot of research before deciding to purchase an overseas property. The difference is, you're probably starting with little to no knowledge about the local real estate market, so it could take a bit longer before you know enough to act with confidence. Of course, you need to take into account all the same factors you would when buying a property at home such as its location, proximity to transport and shops, condition of the home, and features. But depending on what country you choose, don't forget to also consider seasonal weather patterns and the possibility of flooding during the wet season. Some tourist areas are seasonal and shops will close during the off-season, so this is another important factor to keep in mind. Hire an expert You might need to engage a buyer's agent to help you look for and negotiate on the property. Someone who is very experienced in dealing with the locals and knows the local property market inside out. There is no substitute for actually seeing the property yourself, but a Buyer's Agent might be able to help you narrow down the search. It's also helpful to use an international solicitor if you want to rent the property out, so that you can ensure you comply with local rules. Speak to your accountant It's important to understand the tax implications of investing in overseas real estate. Your accountant should be able to help you through your decision, but you might need to do some investigating of your own when it comes to the tax laws of other countries. You don't want to get caught out with enormous property sales taxes or land tax that you didn't know about. Investigate your loan options There might be a home loan for you here in Australia, or you might need to use an overseas lender. Most major banks have delegates in other countries which can be helpful for overseas investors. Make sure you ask about foreign exchange rates impacting your purchase, otherwise you might end up paying a lot of money to facilitate the transaction. Find out about the buying cost associated with the purchase Depending on the country you choose, there might be very different stamp duties, property taxes and registration fees to what we have here in Australia. Don't forget to investigate and factor these into your budget. Try finding a solicitor who understands the local laws and tax system.


If you are a first home buyer - know what you are entitled to: First home buyers have a range of different entitlements and concessions they may be eligible for. They differ from state to state, and often are dependent on the value of the home you are buying. There are also various ways that first home buyers can be helped by family members to get into their first home - not just by lending money towards a deposit - which can possibly save thousands in fees when done the right way. For more details about the ever changing government incentives, read my guide - "Know your entitlements".


Know your rights as a borrower. As a borrower, it pays to know your rights - and don't be afraid to exercise them! It can all seem a little intimidating when you apply for a loan, and it seems like the lender is putting a lot of conditions on you as the borrower. But what are your rights? Borrowers are heavily protected by state and federal law, and you can expect your lender to keep up their end of the bargain too. You have: The right to know what you're in for The lender must provide you with a very detailed contract which outlines all of the terms and conditions of your loan in clear language. You should take the time to understand all of your obligations, fees and charges and make sure the loan amount details are all correct. The right to know your interest rate Your lender is required to communicate interest rate changes to you in advance - either directly, or by putting an advertisement in a major newspaper. The right to know your repayment amount The lender must provide you with written notice at least 20 days before your interest rate is due to increase. The right to a copy of your loan statement A loan statement must be provided to you every six months. You have the right to dispute any transactions that you don't feel are correct or justified. The right to pay out your loan at any time There may be some fees involved, but you do have the right to pay your loan out at any time. Accordingly, you also have the right to know your payout figure, which your lender must provide to you within 7 days of receiving a written request. The right to terminate your contract before the funds are drawn down You have the right to pull out of the transaction if the funds have not yet been drawn down for settlement to take place. The right to get assistance in times of financial hardship There is legislation in place to protect you if you experience financially tough times. It's worth investigating the relevant options so that you are ready for the unexpected. But, you would remember from childhood that more rights usually equals greater responsibilities. There are a few obligations that you must keep to your lender as well: Provide truthful, factual information when you apply. - Make all of the repayments on the due date. - Keep the property in good condition and don't make any big alterations without getting permission from your lender. - Take out insurance for the full replacement value of the buildings/structures and keep the insurance policy paid and current. - Don't sell, rent, or mortgage the property without your lender's permission.


Sending warm wishes to all the mothers who make the world a better place with their kindness, strength, and unconditional love. Happy Mother's Day! Today, we celebrate you and all that you do. 🌷 #MothersDay


If you are thinking of buying your next home - here is a choice you will be facing: Will your life come to an end if you don't have a walk in wardrobe? Is it important for you to have a home cinema, or would you prefer to be in a modest property, within walking distance of great restaurants and sporting facilities? There are so many choices when you start shopping for a home, and one difficult decision is whether to choose a new home (buying off the plans or buying something recently constructed), or whether to opt for an older property at a better price. There are plenty of pros and cons to take into account, but here are a few of the main ones: New Home: A new home is unlikely to need any ongoing repairs in the short term. Anything that happens in the first seven years should be covered by the builder's warranty. You won't have to worry about the ducted heating breaking down and costing you a fortune to replace. If something happens and you need to put the property up for sale, a new home is a more attractive option for buyers. It's likely to have more features and conveniences than an older home, and it won't have mustard coloured wall paper (unless you chose that option when you built!) Like all shiny new things, a new home usually comes complete with a higher price tag, which means higher repayments and greater likelihood of you experiencing financial hardship in the future. You will have less of a financial buffer if things change, like interest rates increase, sudden unemployment, or long term illness. Usually new homes are built in a more distant location, unless you really are stretching the budget for a new home in an inner city suburb. Because you're likely to be further out, it might take longer to achieve the growth that you would like - especially if the same house and land package is still available just down the road after your home has been finished for several years. Keep in mind, there will also be additional cost of finishing the home, such as curtains, carpets, landscaping and driveways. Older home: If you purchase an older home, it's likely that you will be in a better location with higher chance of capital growth. This means that you could make quite a bit on your investment by hanging onto it for a few years, or you might even choose to renovate in the future which could further boost the value of the property. It's likely that you will have a lower purchase price with lower repayments, which means a buffer for any unexpected things that might arise. You will have a better chance of building your investment portfolio in the future by keeping the purchase price down, rather than blowing the budget on building a new home. It's your personal choice whether you change anything, but there should already be window furnishings, established gardens and driveways so you won't have to finish the dream. On the flipside, an older home might be less attractive to buyers if you have to sell - or you might end up having to do some renovations to achieve a good price. There could be a need for ongoing repairs and maintenance which could be very expensive depending on the problem. If you discover a major issue with the foundations of the home, for example, the repair bill could run into the tens of thousands. One important step if you choose to purchase an older home is to obtain a building and pest inspection report. This will help to ensure that your dream home isn't riddled with termites, or about to slide down the hill.


Do you feel a bit ill when you open the letterbox and see your credit card statement? It's happened to most of us at some point - a few untimely expenses pop up, and suddenly that credit card has a life of its own. The good news? There is hope. You can get control of your credit card debt today with a few simple steps. Stop the bleeding It might sound obvious, but the first step to cutting down your credit card debt is to stop growing it. If you have any direct debits connected to the card, make other arrangements for these to come out of a bank account. Then, use whatever means necessary to destroy the card so that you can stop accruing debt. Pay more than the bare minimum If you only pay the minimum amount each month, you'll see many birthdays waiting for your credit card debt to decrease. In most cases, you will only be paying the interest on the debt without reducing what you owe. It's time to sit down and make a budget, and look for ways to pay as much as possible off your credit card each month. Work out your priorities If you have debts on more than one credit card, your instinct might be to pay the largest amount off as a priority. Alternatively, try focussing on the card with the highest interest rate. It's also worth knocking over your smaller cards first (and then cancelling them) so that you can concentrate on one monthly repayment. Try a balance transfer Many lenders offer great introductory rates on new credit cards. Some even offer rates of 0% for the first 6 or 12 months. This presents a great opportunity to work on getting your balance down, without being charged interest. Beware though - it's important to investigate what your interest rate will be after the introductory period. It's also vital that you do pay as much as possible off the balance. If you don't reduce your debt, and if the standard interest rate is higher than what you had before - you will only do further damage. Save for a rainy day Many of us get into trouble with credit cards because we don't have adequate savings when something unexpected comes up. While you work hard at reducing that credit card debt, try to put a little bit in savings each month and build up a buffer. That way if you suddenly need a new set of tyres or a hot water service, you won't undo all of your good work by whacking it on the credit card. Put your hand up If you can't seem to get control of your finances and you feel like the situation is getting worse every day, it might be time to ask for some help. There are experienced financial counsellors and legal representatives who can help you to make a plan and get back on top of things again.


Introducing 5 great reasons to invest in property today: Do you sometimes listen to those seasoned property investors and wonder how they got started? It's quite simple actually - they probably started with just one investment property. Anyone can realise the dream of achieving your financial goals through property investment. If you're not sure why you would want to get involved, here are the five best reasons: 1. Financial Independence Now, more than ever, it's important to make sure you have steps in place if you want to live comfortably in your retirement. The retirement age seems to be increasing, and people are no longer able to rely on the aged pension as a sole source of income. If you start now you can build a property investment portfolio that will provide you with financial independence - whatever that means to you. For some people that means one investment property that provides a rental return. For others, it means building a veritable monopoly of investment properties in an apparent bid to conquer the universe. 2. Take control of your own investments The great thing about investing in property is that you're completely in control of what you purchase, and you can take steps to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of achieving excellent capital growth or rental return figures. The problem with investing in shares and superannuation is that you aren't able to control fluctuations in the market - your role is very passive. 3. Grow your portfolio as your equity increases Once you start investing in property, it's sometimes difficult to stop. One investment starts to grow which allows you to purchase another, and before you know it you have a nice little collection of properties making money for you. 4. Capital Growth If you choose wisely, you should be able to achieve strong capital growth on your investment properties. The key is to choose the right type of property in the right area. This might not be an area where you would choose to live - it just needs to be an area with lots of potential for growth. 5. Rental Income If you hope to achieve a good rental income from your investment properties, you should purchase carefully, and keep your ideal tenant in mind. If you like the idea of renting to students, make sure you look in areas near a university or very near to public transport. If you would prefer to rent to a family, schools, shopping centres and parks might be more important. But decide what's most important first: capital growth or rental return. You might not always get a great rental return in an area that has a high level of growth.


🔑 Curious about Securing the Best Home Loan Rate in Today’s Market? Whether you're stepping into homeownership for the first time or considering a refinancing option, NRG Financial Services is your trusted companion in navigating the realm of home loans. Why NRG Financial Services? Because we will help you to find - ✅ Competitive Rates ✅ Tailored Loan Solutions ✅ Streamlined Application Process 👇🏻Click 'Send Message' to unveil how effortlessly you can secure the ideal home loan with NRG Financial Services.


Here is why you shouldn't scrimp on loan repayments: With household costs on the rise, many mortgagees are struggling to balance their budgets. It's not surprising more Australians are skipping mortgage payments to help make ends meet. However, missing loan repayments could land you in a bigger hole. Not only will you be up for late fees - ranging from a manageable $9 to a stinging $195 per overdue payment - but you could be adding thousands of dollars of extra interest to your debt. At worst, a string of missed mortgage payments could see the bank recalling your loan, forcing a fire sale of your home. Even a couple of missed payments could put a red flag on your credit history, which is going to cramp future borrowings. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of mortgage stress is to give yourself a buffer on your budget. In Australia, it's recommended borrowers' mortgage repayments make up no more than 30% of household income. The problem is many home owners borrow to the edge of the threshold when interest rates are low - as they are now - leaving no room for inevitable rate rises and other increased living costs. Instead, budget for mortgage repayments at a 9% interest rate, a long-term average that accounts for peaks and troughs over the long run. When rates are low, stick the extra funds into your mortgage. You will not only save on interest but will have established a safety net, which you can draw on if needed when rates run high. If you are already feeling the pinch and struggling to make payments, talk to a Mortgage Broker sooner rather than later. A Mortgage Broker can help negotiate with the lender on your behalf and can look into other loan options to ease the squeeze.


Happy St Florian’s Day all!


Today, we celebrate International Labour Day by acknowledging the invaluable contributions of workers in every sector. Your commitment and resilience are the foundation of our progress. Here's to you! 🌟 #MayDay #WorkersRights


How do you get your hands on the equipment you need to grow? And how do you do this whilst still keeping the all-important cash flow and working capital in hand? Talk to me today about smart solutions when it comes to asset and equipment finance.


Want to go green? Contact me for a loan that pays itself off with your power bill savings.


Cure your confusion today - 9 steps to purchasing your first home. Do you start to get a headache when you think about everything involved in getting a home loan? Don't despair. Many other borrowers have felt the same way in the past. It can seem a little overwhelming at first, but really, there are 9 simple steps that will carry you from tenant to proud home owner with minimal fuss. 1. Preparation The first step is to get all of your ducks in a row, ready for your meeting with a mortgage broker. Make a list of all of your assets and your liabilities, taking into account your living expenses, loan repayments and student debts etc. Spend some time looking at the different loans available, so that you can be ready to ask plenty of questions when you meet your mortgage broker. 2. First Meeting Your mortgage broker will have his/her own way of doing things, but usually will give you a run-down of their panel of different lenders, what fees and commissions they charge, and the information they need from you. The next step will be a discussion around your financial position, how much you need to borrow and what sort of loan products might be best for you. Your mortgage broker will then collect all of the relevant information needed to complete your application. 3. Application Your mortgage broker will review your application and make sure that all of the details are accurate and complete. They will provide some information to the lender about your ability to service the loan and then they will submit the application on your behalf. 4. Pre-approval If all goes well between your mortgage broker and your chosen lender, the next step is Pre-approval, or Conditional Approval. This allows to you start looking for a property, because the lender has advised you that you're likely to be approved, and the approval amount. There will be some conditions attached, and nothing is guaranteed. 5. Valuation The lender will investigate the value of the property you choose to make sure the market value is similar to your purchase price, and also to ensure that they are happy with the property itself. 6. Unconditional Approval Once you meet all of the conditions that the lender sets out, you will receive unconditional approval. 7. Letter of Offer Your letter of offer makes it all official, and it's important to make sure you understand all of the conditions, fees and details contained within the document. It's a good idea to ask your solicitor or conveyancer to help at this stage if you're unsure. 8. Mortgage Documents The mortgage documents will usually arrive with your letter of offer, and they outline the contract between you - the borrower, the lender and the State Revenue Office. This should be carefully reviewed by your solicitor or conveyancer. 9. Settlement The settlement date is the big one - when the money actually changes hands, all of the different costs are settled and you can then take possession of the property. This step should be handled by your solicitor or conveyancer in conjunction with the legal representatives of each party involved. If everything goes according to plan - this is the part where you pick up the keys, grab a bottle of bubbly and start celebrating. Congratulations - you're now a property owner!


ANZAC Day Remembrance On this ANZAC Day, we take a moment to honour all those who served. Lest We Forget. #ANZACDay #LestWeForget


🌟 Consolidate your debt with NRG Financial Services and enjoy the benefits: ✅ Secure better terms and interest rates ✅ Save money on interest ✅ Reduce the hassle of dealing with multiple lenders ✅ Lower the overall cost of repayment Make managing your debt easier than ever before. ☎️ 𝟏𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝟖𝟓𝟗 𝟖𝟏𝟓 📩 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧@𝐧𝐫𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬.𝐧𝐞𝐭.𝐚𝐮 🌐 𝒘𝒘𝒘.𝒏𝒓𝒈𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒔.𝒄𝒐𝒎.𝒂𝒖


How to take advantage of a buyer's market: One of the keys to success in the property market is TIMING. So how do you know when the time is right to step up on the property ladder? For the answer, download our guide to "Taking Advantage of a Buyer's Market".


Face the future with greater certainty with a fixed rate home loan. One in five Australians taking out a home loan is now opting to fix their interest rate, according to a recent AFG Mortgage Index. Not only are fixed rates proving popular in the midst of global economic uncertainty, many borrowers are cashing in on unprecedented, increased competition around fixed rate loans. Traditionally, lenders have set fixed rates a smidge above the average variable rate. At the moment, however, many institutions are offering fixed rates below others' variable rates, prompting savvy borrowers to shop around. The main benefit of a fixed rate is certainty. Regardless of shifts in the economic sands, your mortgage repayments stay the same, allowing you to budget with more confidence. If official interest rates rise, your mortgage repayments are unaffected. On the flip side, of course, if interest rates drop, you won't benefit. With experts wavering on whether local interest rates will go up, down or nowhere over the next 12 months, now could be an opportune time to take advantage of special offers around fixed rates. Some lenders, for example, are offering fixed rates at 0.8 per cent lower than the standard variable rate of other institutions. On a $300,000 loan, that equates to a $200 saving in interest each month. Fixed rates are generally based on what the economy may do over the next three to four years, while variable rates are more aligned to the current cash rate, set by the Reserve Bank of Australia. At the moment, this is overlaid with the fact lenders are looking to drive movement in the market through competition. Although Australia's economy is deemed very stable against the backdrop of the European debt crises and slow economic recovery in the United States, home owners have been happy to sit on the sidelines to see how it all plays out before making any decisions about buying and selling. As a result, many financial institutions have been trying to entice us back in the game with competitive fixed rates. As with all borrowing situations, your decisions should be based on your circumstances and financial goals. However, there are some basic pros and cons that apply to fixed rates that you should consider. The biggest benefit of a fixed rate, is knowing exactly what your repayments will be for a set period - usually one to five years. This can be a real advantage if you are considering a career change, starting or expanding a family or have kids moving into private education, because it can ease the stress of budgeting. On the downside, fixed rate loans tend to be more restrictive than variable ones. You usually can't make additional payments, plus lenders generally charge high break fees if you want to exit the loan during the fixed period. If you want to tap into the benefits of both a fixed and a variable rate, consider splitting your loan so a portion of your debt is exposed to shifts in official rates - up or down - and the rest is locked into a set rate. With official interest rates sitting at affordable levels and question marks hanging over which way they will head over the next 12 months, it's worth chatting with your local Mortgage Broker about fixed rates and what the market has to offer. It may be just the move to help you face the future with some certainty.


If you are planning to buy a new home, possibly selling your current one at the same time, this is the best order to organise things. 1) Get a Free Property Valuation from us. You will get a written notice from a professional valuation firm. If you are selling this can come in very handy during negotiations with buyers. It will also guide you in setting a price with the real estate agent who is selling your home (or if you plan to sell it yourself). If you plan to keep your current home and rent it out you will now know its rental value and how much equity you have. Tip: For a quick assessment, a useful tool is to do a �Sold� search on and look at the real price that similar homes around you recently sold for - 2) Get your next home loan pre-approved. A pre-approval lasts for 3 months and doesn�t cost you anything or obligate you to that lender. In most cases you can extend that 3 months by later providing updated income evidence. Being pre-approved puts you in the strongest possible buying position. A seller is more likely to accept a lower offer if it comes from a buyer who has their finance ready to go. Also, it ensures you don�t encounter any unexpected problems or delays that could put your new home in jeopardy. Finally it means you can take some time to get the best deal you can, rather than being rushed to meet a �subject to finance� deadline. Personally, even as a Mortgage Broker myself with a good understanding of my borrowing potential, I always get pre-approved as soon as I plan to start house hunting. Tip: To give yourself the best chance of a great home loan, use this checklist: �20 Questions to Ask Your Mortgage Broker�. brokerchecklistarrow If you plan to sell your home it�s now just a case of waiting for the right offer. Or if you are going to keep it, you are ready to make an offer on the next one. Any questions, just let me know, that's what I'm here for.


Introducing 5 great reasons to invest in property today: Do you sometimes listen to those seasoned property investors and wonder how they got started? It's quite simple actually - they probably started with just one investment property. Anyone can realise the dream of achieving your financial goals through property investment. If you're not sure why you would want to get involved, here are the five best reasons: 1. Financial Independence Now, more than ever, it's important to make sure you have steps in place if you want to live comfortably in your retirement. The retirement age seems to be increasing, and people are no longer able to rely on the aged pension as a sole source of income. If you start now you can build a property investment portfolio that will provide you with financial independence - whatever that means to you. For some people that means one investment property that provides a rental return. For others, it means building a veritable monopoly of investment properties in an apparent bid to conquer the universe. 2. Take control of your own investments The great thing about investing in property is that you're completely in control of what you purchase, and you can take steps to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of achieving excellent capital growth or rental return figures. The problem with investing in shares and superannuation is that you aren't able to control fluctuations in the market - your role is very passive. 3. Grow your portfolio as your equity increases Once you start investing in property, it's sometimes difficult to stop. One investment starts to grow which allows you to purchase another, and before you know it you have a nice little collection of properties making money for you. 4. Capital Growth If you choose wisely, you should be able to achieve strong capital growth on your investment properties. The key is to choose the right type of property in the right area. This might not be an area where you would choose to live - it just needs to be an area with lots of potential for growth. 5. Rental Income If you hope to achieve a good rental income from your investment properties, you should purchase carefully, and keep your ideal tenant in mind. If you like the idea of renting to students, make sure you look in areas near a university or very near to public transport. If you would prefer to rent to a family, schools, shopping centres and parks might be more important. But decide what's most important first: capital growth or rental return. You might not always get a great rental return in an area that has a high level of growth.


Will a new vehicle jump-start your earnings? It�s always important to take stock and consider whether the purchase of new assets or equipment will benefit your business. Asset finance is often the answer. Financing new equipment, instead of purchasing it outright, can be a good way to preserve cash flow and working capital while adding an asset that can begin to generate immediate income. And, of course, there may be potential tax advantages that could also come your way.


Revealed - the secrets to buying property with confidence. Getting the right property at the right price isn't good luck. Its all about being prepared and taking the right steps at the right time. Read this article - "Buying with Confidence" - for a number of quick tips to playing the home buying game on your terms.


Competition among lenders for home loans remains steep but borrowers may still be missing out on great deals and important information that could save them thousands of dollars. 1. YOU CAN SET UP A LINE OF CREDIT TO HELP FUND YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY If you are negative gearing an investment property, you will have a shortfall between your costs and rental earnings. You can fund this gap with a line of credit (LOC) product using equity in your home or another property. Say you have a gap of about $500 each month for your investment property, including interest and other costs, such as repairs and rates. You could set up a LOC for $20,000 to fund these expenses for a period of time, which may give you a little more financial breathing room. How long the LOC holds up will depend on interest rate fluctuations and your rental costs. Like interest on your primary investment loan, the interest on this LOC is tax deductible, providing its sole use is to cover your investment expenses. One caveat: this strategy works providing there is capital growth in your investment property over the same period, otherwise you are eating into your capital gain. You also need to have some fiscal discipline and not dip into the LOC for non-investment related expenses, such as holidays. While lenders will be able to set this structure up quite easily, they are not likely to offer it up front as part of your investment loan. Talk to your broker and financial advisor about whether this strategy is a smart option for you. 2. PEOPLE WITH POOR CREDIT RATINGS CAN STILL GET HOME LOANS While it's true a poor financial record will probably make it harder for you to land a loan, the doors may not be closed. Lending criteria has tightened in the wake of the global financial crisis but there are still plenty of loans up for grabs for those with a blemished track record or little financial backing. Be prepared, however, to pay a higher interest rate than the standard offering. A Mortgage Broker will be able to help you find loans with less stringent criteria, often labelled non-conforming loans, and will help negotiate with the lender on your behalf. You should also do a budget to ensure you are able to make any repayments, lest you end up adding to your woes. 3. THERE ARE WAYS TO AVOID LENDER'S MORTGAGE INSURANCE IF YOU DON'T HAVE A 20 PER CENT DEPOSIT Lender's Mortgage Insurance (LMI) is a one-off payment by the borrower when a loan exceeds 80 per cent of the property's value. It covers the lender's risk if the borrower defaults, but does not cover any loss by the borrower. LMI can be a painful hit to the hip pocket, often running to several thousands of dollars, especially after a home buyer has scraped together the minimum deposit. One alternative to paying LMI if you have less than a 20 per cent deposit is to secure a guarantor to cover the extra stretch. A guarantor is usually a family member who is willing to put forward their property as security. One of the common myths that can scare family off is that the guarantor is then responsible for the entire loan. Not true. They only need to guarantee any amount beyond the 80 per cent loan-to-value ratio (LVR). Although it's a good idea for a guarantor to seek both financial and legal advice before committing. The advantage of securing additional funding through a guarantor is that it simply gets tacked onto your loan so you can repay it over time, rather than forking out up front for LMI. The key before you make any big decisions about home finance is to have all the facts at your fingertips. Your broker will be able to compare the products and options that are out there and size up which arrangement will work for you and your circumstances. 4. YOU HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE Most lenders will pitch one or two loan products to customers. But that's a tiny fraction of the number of loans available in Australia. If you want to get a grasp of the wide variety of products out there, consider a mortgage broker. A mortgage broker works for you, not the lender, and can help you tap this vast vein and find the loan that is best suited to your needs. Talk to your broker about your financial circumstances and goals so they have as much information as possible to determine the best product solution for you.


Did you know that approximately 80% of Australians end up on some form of government assistance in retirement? Did you also know that ONLY 20% of Australians invest in property? Coincidence you think? I'd say not. You could probably afford an investment property for less than the repayments on a small car. So rather than upgrading your car as soon as it is paid off, consider building wealth for your future. Have a look at this short article for more details - Are You Driving Your Investment Property.pdf

Australia has once again become a nation of savers. No longer is debt de rigeur. In this post-GFC era we prefer to play it safe with lower levels of debt and are looking for ways to be debt-free faster. Savvy savers are making the most of low interest rates and their savings by maximising offset accounts. An offset account is essentially a savings account that is linked to a loan account. Instead of earning interest on your savings deposit, the funds are used to offset the loan account. Your loan repayment remains the same, but more of it is used to pay off the principal, reducing the life of your loan and slashing the amount of interest paid. How offset accounts work Lenders generally offer two types of offset accounts: full offset or partial offset. A full offset account offers you the same interest rate on your savings as what is charged on your home loan. For example, if you have a $100,000 home loan with interest charged at 6%, plus $10,000 in an offset account earning 6%, the lender will offset your loan balance with your offset account balance and only calculate interest on $90,000. A partial offset account only offers you a standard savings rate, which is lower than the interest charged on your home loan, so one does not completely offset the other. Using the same example as above, a partial offset account might charge the same 6% on the loan but only offer 4% on the savings. Instead of one lot of interest completely offsetting the other, you would pay a reduced interest rate of 2% (the difference between 6% and 4%) on $10,000 of your loan. Many borrowers opt for a 100% offset account to take full advantage of this feature, but speak to your broker for more information about this type of account. Benefits An offset account still allows you to make extra payments on the loan. However, instead of paying more into your actual mortgage, you maintain as high a balance as possible in your savings. This reduces the interest and life span on your loan but gives you all the access and flexibility of a regular savings account, should you need it. Some lenders even allow you to set up an offset account with a fixed rate loan, giving you certainty around your payments plus the opportunity to get ahead of the debt. There is also the added benefit of a tax incentive. Because the interest is essentially not earned, you don't have to include it in your taxable income. Still in the nest The key to maximising an offset account is to maintain as high a savings balance as possible. The first step to flesh out your finances is to have your salary paid directly into your savings account. Then it's a matter of keeping your money in the savings account for as long as possible. One of the most effective tools is a credit card with a generous interest-free period. Look for a lender offering 55 days interest free. While it may seem strange to use credit to save, putting as many costs as possible on a card with a long interest-free period can be an effective loan buster. The interest-free period allows you to squirrel away as much of your pay, and any other earnings, for as long as possible to maximise your interest earnings. You just need to make sure you pay off your credit card debt in full before the interest-free period runs out. What you should consider An offset account can be a very effective strategy to stay one step ahead of your home loan, providing your spending does not outstrip your savings and you leave your funds to grow over time. You also need savings to start an offset account. The whole concept fails if you don't have any savings to leverage in the first instance. You then need to ensure you can maintain surplus cashflow, especially if taking advantage of a credit card with an extended interest-free period. If that's the case, you will need to be disciplined with expenses, payments and timing. If tempted to put too much on the plastic, the credit card tactic may become a debt trap. Similarly, if you don't want to be tempted to overspend, you may be better off injecting any spare funds straight into your loan repayments instead of turning to an offset account. Look for an offset account that still gives you the standard benefits of a regular savings account: ATM, EFTPOS and telephone and internet banking. Although the aim is to maximise your savings, you still want to be able to access and use your funds as you would with any regular savings account. Lenders also often charge a higher home loan rate for an offset account. Ask your broker to help you shop around for the most competitive option to suit your circumstances. If you are still paying off your home or an investment property, but also managing to sock away some savings, an offset account could help you be debt-free faster. Talk to your broker about your circumstances to find out which options may work best for you.

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