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Family Lawyers Adelaide

Family Lawyers Australia

Best Family Lawyers

Family Law in Australia

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Themis Family Lawyers
One Of Adelaide’s Best Family Lawyers

One of the Best Family Lawyers Adelaide, Zahra Negahban Zaferanlou is a lawyer who has practiced almost exclusively in Family Law.

Zahra has assisted numerous clients from all over Australia with their family law issues including children’s matters, property settlement, mediation, Hague Convention (International Child Abduction) and divorce

Zahra assists her clients to navigate their options throughout their involvement in family law issues. Zahra appears in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and understands that court proceedings can be very stressful for the clients so she endeavours to make the process as stress- free as possible.

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Divorce & Separation

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Property Settlement

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Children's Issues

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Financial Agreement

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Hague Convention (International Child Abduction)

Experienced Family Lawyers in Adelaide

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Phone: 0426 725 554

Best Family Lawyers Adelaide

Themis Family Lawyers - One of the Best Family Lawyers in Adelaide

At Themis Family Lawyers, we stand out as one of the Best Family Lawyers in Adelaide, led by the accomplished Zahra Negahban Zaferanlou. Zahra is a lawyer with almost exclusive dedication to Family Law, bringing years of expertise to the table. Named after Themis, the Titan goddess of law and justice, we embody the values of balance, order, and fairness, symbolised by the Scales of Justice. Just as Themis seeks to maintain equilibrium, we provide honest, practical, and balanced legal advice to help our clients navigate the complexities of family law.

Our commitment is to ensure you receive an honest assessment of your situation and likely outcomes. Zahra has successfully assisted clients across Australia, specialising in children’s matters, property settlement, mediation, Hague Convention (International Child Abduction), and divorce. Understanding the stress of court proceedings, she strives to make the process as stress-free as possible, appearing in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

Services Offered by One of Adelaide's Best Family Lawyers

Our Best Family Lawyers in Adelaide offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients:


Children Issues: Navigating the complexities of children’s custody is our expertise. We focus on your children’s best interests, guiding you through negotiations and ensuring meaningful relationships with both parents.


Property Settlement: Our team assists you in negotiating a fair and reasonable property settlement, providing advice on available options if an agreement cannot be reached.


Divorce: Our fixed-price divorce service supports you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth transition during this difficult time.

Best Family Lawyers Adelaide
Best Family Lawyers Adelaide

Hague Convention (International Child Abduction): Our expertise in the Hague Convention pertains to abduction, limited to specific circumstances. If a child’s place of residence is proposed to be changed to another country, the affected party can seek the return of the children under the Hague Convention. There will be no court document from another country, and the Australian Federal Police will act upon being informed of a potential child abduction by a party from another country that is a signatory to the Hague Convention.


Binding Financial Agreement (pre-nuptial agreements): Are you considering a binding financial agreement? We can guide you through the process, providing legal counsel to determine how your assets will be divided in case of separation.


Mediation (Family Dispute Resolution): During mediation, our experienced legal representatives will resolve custody and property settlement issues, offering a less adversarial alternative to court proceedings.


De Facto Relationship: Understanding the legal intricacies of de facto relationships, we ensure your rights are protected, providing guidance on legal recognition within the domestic relationship and that the both parties are over the age of consent.

Who is Themis ?

Themis is the Titan goddess of law and justice from Greek mythology. She is known as “The Lady of Good Counsel,” and she represents law, order, and fairness. Her emblems are the Scales of Justice, which she uses to keep herself balanced and realistic.


We, like Themis, take pleasure in helping our clients by providing sound legal advice in a balanced and practical manner. This allows you to focus on yourself and your family.

Contact Us To Make an Appointment
Phone: 0426 725 554

Experienced Family Lawyers

best family lawyers adelaide

We will be at your side throughout the process, safeguarding your interests.

best family lawyers adelaide

Themis Family Lawyers will always recommend what is best for you, not what is best for us.

best family lawyers adelaide

We will assist you in resolving any property, child, and other family matters.