Carpet Cleaning Perth

Our goal is simple

To provide the best possible residential and commercial cleaning service in Perth.

The Ultimate Clean is a specialised Carpet, Tile and Upholstery cleaning company with a strong focus on training, communication and results. Ongoing training means The Ultimate Clean can provide clients best-practice cleaning techniques, procedures, safety, technology and quality.

We provide cleaning services for residential and commercial clients across Perth. More often than not, we can complete the work for the same price quoted but others, yet we do a better job!

You may ask yourself how can they? The answer is simple. We are looking for clients to stay with us for life, not just a once off clean and then forget who we are.

We are trying to give our clients a quality clean that they will feel like they have received value for money, and happy to refer us to their family and friends.

Whether you contact us via email or telephone we guarantee to be clear and concise in our communication and are happy to answer any of your questions. We will book your job to suit your schedule and will arrive promptly at your home, business or commercial premises.

When we arrive on site, we will carry out a thorough site inspection to ensure we are on the same page and happy with the agreed price.

Our philosophy is, do it once and do it right.

The Ultimate Clean guarantee to provide a quality service, plus we can take care of payment and receipting on the day, it is as simple as a press of a button.

Customers always ask "What makes The Ultimate Clean different from other companies?" Well, the answer is about taking the time. It takes time to do things correctly.

The process to clean has a formula it is called the CHAT PIE. The pie is broken into quarters, Chemical, Heat, Agitation and Time. If this process is followed using the correct chemicals, equipment and knowledge the results can be exceptional.

Using this process combined with ongoing staff education and training, you can trust The Ultimate Clean to get the job done correctly, at a reasonable price and with great service.