Embrace Your Spiritual Journey: Guiding You Towards Awakening, Healing, and Transformation.

Are you ready to step into your purpose with passion to

create the life of your dreams?


Together we ignite your confidence, find clarity in your direction and unlock the power of your choices. 

The stories you are constantly telling yourself determine the results you get.

How you feel about yourself influences how other people perceive you.

The moment you choose a story that empowers you, you become magnetic to the results you desire:

  • Bringing your ideas and visions to life.

  • Sharing your gifts, talents and skills.

  • Making the big impact you want in the world.

  • Having the successful business you desire. 

  • Giving your kids the good life & being an example and inspiration to them that anything is attainable.

It all starts with YOU and what you choose to say YES to.

If you're ready to start this new chapter in your life, I am here to help you. Let’s chat. 

Shaz Cini - an International Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, and Author.

I BELIEVE you have a God-given purpose and mission in this world, something that only you can fulfil. Be it big or small, it will always want you to follow it.

It needs you and you need it as it’s your access to creating the thriving life you desire.

This purpose will always gravitate to you, nudging you - in various ways - to pay attention to it and start following it. When you do - Life Becomes Magical.

You live the life of your dreams and everything falls into place.

You find your heaven on Earth.

"When you do what you love - you never work a day in your life. Passion is NOT work it is JOY!" - Shaz Cini

  • Do you desire support in navigating life's challenges with spiritual insight and clarity?

  • Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth?

  • Do you feel drawn to explore deeper aspects of spirituality and holistic well-being?

  • Are you seeking a compassionate and intuitive guide to help you uncover your true purpose and passion?

  • Would you like to learn practical techniques to enhance your intuition and spiritual connection?

  • Are you open to exploring new perspectives and approaches to living a more fulfilling and authentic life?

  • Do you crave a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore your spiritual beliefs and practices?

  • Are you ready to release limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding you back from living your best life?

  • Do you feel a calling to align your life with your values and spiritual beliefs?

How can I be of Service?

I have absolutely no problem in the world highly recommending Shaz for absolutely anything. I have been doing her course for quite some time now, and I have had so many people telling me how much it has changed me for the better. Her coaching, her psychic abilities and all the work that she does is definitely highly recommended. She has 100%, genuinely saved my life in more ways than mine. I cannot speak any more highly of this beautiful lady. Thanks, Shaz for everything.

On the gram