…let your spiritual self take flight

THE PHOENIX – a closer look

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I began my Reiki journey in 2003, a time in my life when I was desperately searching for direction and purpose, a time of huge emotional upheaval. By 2004 my life had taken a different turn and I will be forever thankful to Reiki for helping me to empower myself, and change my life. It was then that I realized I had to learn this wonderful gift so that I could help other people overcome emotional  difficulties and Dis – ease of the body and help them realize that their  lives could also be more fulfilling and rewarding.


IN 2009 I attained my certificate as Master Teacher and I will be eternally grateful for the life lessons that ultimately put me on the path of self healing. In retrospect it was a time of heartache and huge emotional loss but that is what lead me to my path of Spiritual development . I am a huge believer in destiny/fate and truly believe that without that pain and upheaval in my life and without those specific life experiences,I may very well have missed the open door that inevitably molded me into the person I am today.

I love what I do and nothing gives me more pleasure than helping people to empower themselves through the gift of Reiki.

I believe that every person on this planet has a right to love and be loved, has a right to happiness and acceptance and I also believe that to find true happiness , true love and acceptance that one must first look inwards…….

Healing starts from within……and you are worth Healing!

It took me a very long time to realize the importance of the above statement! 

The importance of self worth, self love, acceptance, forgiveness and letting go of anger, resentment, fear and other emotional attachments that was holding me back from becoming the best version of ME possible. Working on the SELF is PRIORITY which I emphasize in my Teachings. I believe that the best “Healer” is one that constantly works on their own spiritual/personal growth.

This is something that we all need to work on every single Day as we face a multitude of challenges and always will.  We need to realize just how vital it is in helping others that we ourselves are in the best possible place emotionally. Understanding that healing through these multiple layers upon layers of hurt can be a very confronting and difficult journey but coming to the realization that unless we are willing to sit in that space and allow ourselves to fully accept and move through those emotions in great depth, that there will never be a significant change in who we are and how we manage our emotions and life experiences.

Reiki Healing is such an amazingly beautiful practice but it is not always ” Rainbows and Unicorns”, it can be a long and painful journey to the other side which can require much courage and conviction. The beautiful Healing energy of Reiki however truly enables us to face our emotional demons and empowers us to move through and let go in a very safe and loving environment.

20 + years on and I look back on my first experiences of Reiki  and the journey that followed in the year after as absolutely life changing!

These Days, life is peaceful, I am at ease with myself, mind, body and soul. ( My life is not perfect, I certainly have a good deal of challenges like everyone else but…. practicing Reiki has certainly given me the tools to cope with these hurdles in a positive healthy way) so that I can sit with a calm and peaceful heart and mind the majority of the time.

If I find I do not feel calm and peaceful within, it is always back to the SELF.

I do not believe the Healing ever ends as life is continually throwing curveballs our way but Reiki enables us to accept the situation without holding onto emotions that do not serve our highest good and move forward with a more positive mindset.

The precepts of Reiki have a lot of similarities to Buddhist philosophy  and I lived and breathed this concept not only through my Reiki practice but throughout every aspect in life.

It is no surprise that my path led me to study Buddhism and practice Buddha’s Teachings and incorporate these into my daily practice along with Meditation, Mantra and Dharma and I made the decision to take my refuge vows and become a practicing Buddhist.

Reiki CAN empower you to make positive life changes , it can empower you to makes changes in thought process which can accelerate the bodies natural ability to heal. Reiki has the ability to heal on many levels, physical, emotional and on a deep soul level.



Phoenix Tears is a Website dedicated to the Spiritual Healing form Called Reiki, (pronounced Ray-Key) Which means ‘Universal LifeForce Energy.

My name is Susie and I am a Reiki Master Teacher living in Ballarat, Victoria. I run my Reiki Practice from home which includes full Reiki Healings and Colour and Crystal Healings as well as Chakra Balancing  for both adults and children.  A service for your pets is also available, (see Reiki for pets page but distant healing only available for your loved furbabies at this time)) I also offer Hopi Ear Candling and take bookings for Private Meditation or a Private Group session . Reiki workshops for adults and one specifically tailored to children are available throughout the year.

I  offer Curative Hypnosis and Past Life Regression – you will find more information by clicking on the tab above

I also offer Australian Bush Flower Consultations in person or by email

. Keep an eye out on Facebook for our regular Markets or specials and grab yourself a Bargain!.We also stock a small range of Sage and Incense for Cleansing and Clearing.  You are always welcome to talk to me to discuss your needs. Reiki distant healings are available free of charge………if you would like to request a distant healing for yourself or someone you know please pop over to my facebook page and message your details to me there or if you prefer,send me an email ( the name of the person needing the Reiki, approx age and location and a brief description of ailment or issue is all that is needed). All names will be placed into my Reiki Distance Healing Book and Reiki will be sent as soon as possible…. For inquiries regarding any of the above please feel welcome to email me susie5860@hotmail.com (please put Reiki in the subject field) or Phone 0407315238  Member of ARC Australian Reiki Connection