Eco-friendly & Sustainable

Simple but Elegant

Not only takes up limited wall space, but also creates an interesting play territory for cats.

Wall-mounted Cat Furniture

This cat wall shelves collection contains like cat shelves, cat climbers, cat scratchers, etc,.

Free Design Consultation

Customize your own exclusive cat wall (refundable).

Floor to Ceiling Cat Tree

Floor-to-ceiling cat tower is a vertical play space for cats to scratch, climb, and rest, enhancing their exercise and satisfaction.

Floor-standing Cat Furniture

Floor cat furniture offers a playful and restful area for cats, promoting their activity and comfort.

gray cat scratching

Choosing the Ideal Wall for Your Cat Wall System

Creating an ideal wall-mounted cat system for your feline friend can enhance their playtime and promote physical health. However, the first step in achieving this goal is choosing the right wall. Here are some practical tips to help you make an informed decision.


How to Repair Walls After Installing a Cat Wall System

Installing a cat wall system can provide your feline friend with entertainment and exercise space, but the wall may get damaged during the removal or reinstallation process. This article will guide you through a simple and effective method to repair these damages and restore your wall.


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