Artificial Grass Installation in Perth

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Welcome to Looks Like Grass, your premier supplier and installer of high-quality artificial grass and synthetic lawns. Brett, the owner/operator, has more than ten years of experience providing the best synthetic turf grass solutions for your residential or commercial needs.

Our professional team specialises in installing synthetic turf, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. We take care of every step, from earthworks and garden edging to base preparation and turf installation. With our competitive prices and commitment to quality, we guarantee a beautiful lawn that lasts for years.

Artificial Grass Perth

Since 2012, Looks Like Grass has specialised in providing artificial grass installation services through out Perth and southern suburbs such as Baldivis, Secret Harbour, Wellard, Mandurah and surrounding areas.

We are known for providing the best quality synthetic grass installations with an honest, friendly and reliable service along with very competitive pricing. We can install synthetic grass just about anywhere, front yards, back yards, around pools, on verge areas, or even over existing paving and concrete.

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How We Install Artificial Grass in Perth

  • 1. Earthworks

  • 2. Garden Edging

  • 3. Base Preparation

  • 4. Artificial Turf Installation

The Benefits of Artificial Grass

When choosing between natural grass and artificial turf, the benefits of artificial grass are hard to ignore. From low maintenance and cost-effective solutions to pet-friendly synthetic grass that’s perfect for pet owners, our product range offers an alternative to real grass that replicates natural turf without hassle.

Here are some reasons why artificial grass is becoming increasingly popular:

  • Low maintenance: No need for watering, mowing, or fertilising
  • Pet-friendly: No more grass allergies or pet urine damage
  • Child-friendly: Safe and clean play areas for childcare centres
  • UV-stabilised: Designed to withstand harsh Australian conditions
  • Year-round beauty: Enjoy a perfect lawn in all seasons with synthetic turf

Why Choose Looks Like Grass For Your Synthetic Lawn?

  • A Decade of Excellence: With over 10 years under our belt, we’ve mastered the art of delivering premium synthetic turf grass solutions.
  • Holistic Installation: Our adept team specialises in the A-Z of synthetic turf installation. From initial earthworks, garden edging, meticulous base preparation, to the final touch of turf installation, we’ve got it all covered.
  • Competitive Pricing, Superior Quality: Our commitment is two-fold. We guarantee competitively priced services without compromising on the outstanding quality we’re known for. The result? A beautiful lawn that stands the test of time.
  • Extensive Reach: Founded in 2012, we’ve been serving Perth and its southern suburbs, including Baldivis, Secret Harbour, Wellard, Mandurah, and neighbouring areas.
  • Versatility: Whether it’s front yards, backyards, pool areas, verge spaces, or even over existing paving and concrete, we install synthetic grass seamlessly, catering to diverse needs.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We are dedicated to delivering honest, friendly, and reliable service. We value your trust and aim to strengthen our bond with every project.
  • synthetic lawns

Upgrade Your Outdoor Experience with Looks Like Grass

With over a decade of expertise, Looks Like Grass has become a trusted name in synthetic lawn solutions. We’re committed to providing quality service and expertise, ensuring that every time we install synthetic turf, it is a testament to excellence.

Whether it’s a residential retreat or a commercial landscape, we craft spaces that not only look exceptional but also last for years. Reach out today and transform your space into a green haven.

Installing Synthetic Turf Around Western Australia

At Looks Like Grass, we’re proud to extend our expert services across Western Australia, ensuring residents enjoy top-tier synthetic lawn solutions tailored to their unique needs.

  • Fake Grass Mandurah: Experience low-maintenance beauty with our premium fake grass, perfectly suited for Mandurah’s coastal lifestyle.
  • Synthetic Turf Baldivis: For the communities of Baldivis, our durable synthetic turf offers a green, vibrant look year-round, enhancing both homes and commercial spaces.
  • Synthetic Grass Rockingham: With Rockingham’s picturesque beaches in mind, our synthetic grass solutions are designed to withstand the elements while offering a natural, lush appearance.

Across WA, trust Looks Like Grass for superior synthetic lawn solutions that redefine outdoor aesthetics.

Transform Your Space With Us

Whether a residential retreat or a commercial landscape, we craft spaces that look exceptional and last for years. Imagine a lush green artificial grass backyard, perfect for entertaining, relaxing, or creating a play area with artificial grass for golf putting green. Installing synthetic turf is a low-maintenance service that you can enjoy year-round.

Frequently Asked Questions about Artificial Grass Installation in Perth

Artificial grass and synthetic turf are terms often used interchangeably, referring to a surface made from synthetic fibres designed to replicate the appearance and feel of natural grass. Our products are crafted with high-quality materials to provide a realistic and durable alternative to natural lawns.

In most cases, you do not need permission to lay artificial grass on your property. However, if you live in a neighbourhood with specific regulations or have a homeowners association, it’s always best to check before installing synthetic grass in Perth.

Our artificial grass products are UV-stabilised and designed to maintain their vibrant colour for many years. We use high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure your lawn stays beautiful even under harsh Australian conditions.

Yes, our artificial grass products are pet-friendly and child-friendly. Our pet-friendly synthetic grass is designed to resist grass allergies, while our child-friendly turf provides a safe, clean, and soft surface for play areas in childcare centres and homes.

Maintaining your artificial grass in Mandurah is relatively simple and requires less effort compared to natural lawns. Here are some maintenance tips:

  1. Regularly remove debris such as leaves and twigs using a leaf blower or a soft-bristle broom.
  2. Keep the grass clean by rinsing it occasionally with water, especially if you have pets.
  3. Brush the grass fibres with a stiff-bristle broom to keep them upright and looking natural.
  4. Use weed control products if necessary to prevent weeds from growing around the edges or through the turf.

To ensure your artificial grass remains pet-friendly, follow these tips:

  1. Choose to have our pet infill installed for odour control.
  2. Clean up pet waste promptly and rinse the affected area with water.
  3. Use a pet-friendly deodorizer to neutralise any lingering odours.

The cost of artificial grass varies depending on the product, size of the area, and installation requirements. We offer competitive prices and free quotes to help you find the perfect solution for your needs.

While it’s possible to install artificial grass yourself, we highly recommend using our professional installation service. Our expert team will ensure a smooth and efficient process, resulting in a beautiful, long-lasting lawn that requires little maintenance.

The initial cost of artificial grass can be higher compared to real grass. However, when considering the long-term costs, artificial grass is often more cost-effective. Synthetic turf requires minimal maintenance, saving you money on water, fertilisers, and lawn care services. Additionally, synthetic grass lasts for years, making it a wise investment for your outdoor area.

Yes, our experienced team can install artificial grass on various surfaces, including slopes and uneven areas. We will assess your space and recommend the best installation method to ensure a seamless and secure fit.

Check Out Types Of Artificial Grass We Supply & Install in Perth

All-Rouner 35

With a darker green fibre. Ever popular C filament yarn technology with great value for money without compromise on specification.

Ultimate 35mm

Ultimate 35mm is our new generation 6 tone synthetic turf. It has a combination of Emerald W blades.

Putting Greens

Our Putting Green turf is a non directional, short pile grass. It’s ideal for golf putting greens

Non-Directional 38mm

Our ND-38 artificial grass is ideal for kids play areas and verges. A beautiful artificial lawn!

Our Gallery of Artificial Grass Supplied & Installed in Perth Since 2012

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