“Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.”

Line Studio is a Melbourne-based design firm with a strong passion for excellence. We design and plan homes and buildings that reflect the personality of our client's own uniqueness. Specializing in home and building designs for personal, commercial and industrial clients. Line Studio has cemented itself as a professional and exceptional architectural firm in Melbourne.


At Line Studio, we seek a balance between art and practicality, form and function, purpose and beauty. We serve our clients by listening to their needs, understanding their goals and sharing in their vision.


Line Studio complete a large range of projects, from small residentials services to large commercial projects.

The Line Studio team are a highly passionate, professional and motivated group of individuals who are deeply committed to their work. Make an appointment today and you will see the enthusiasm and passion that goes into our work and why we are among the best architectural services Melbourne has to offer.


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