Our Range

For our full range and prices, please contact us.

About Us

Hope Farm is a family owned gourmet Sourdough Bakery, which specializes in producing genuine European-style breads using the finest organic and stone-ground flours.
We bake a wide variety of Sourdough Breads including a wheat free range, light rye breads, wheat range, fruit range and the festive range. Other tempting varieties include wholemeal date scones and banana bread.
All of our breads are hand molded giving them that personal touch that many comment as making all the difference in flavour and texture. Our products are sold at Farmer's markets throughout Gippsland and the greater Melbourne area along with a wide range of retail outlets. Our breads consist of the finest wholegrain flours, sea salt and filtered water. We do not add any sugars, oils or baker's (commercial) yeast.

We do hope you enjoy our bread as much as our team enjoyed baking it!

Current Farmers Markets

Traralgon Market
4th weekend
of every month
8am - 1pm
 Kay St, Traralgon VIC 3844
Warragul Market
3rd weekend
of every month
8:30am - 1pm
Civic Pl, Warragul VIC 3820
Bairnsdale Market
1st weekend
of every month
8am - 12:30pm
McEacharn St, Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Kingston Market
1st weekend
of every month
8am - 1pm
Kingston Heath Reserve, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Bentliegh Market
4th weekend
of every month
8am - 1pm
90 Bignell Rd, Bentleigh East VIC 3165

The Hopefarm website is currently undergoing a much needed facelift. sorry for any inconvenience.