digital design north brisbane
BRING IT TO LIFE! Illustration

We help you visualise your idea


Funk & Tall specialises in illustration, websites & print.

With over 15 years in design, we have a great background to deliver something unique.
Illustration and Web, keep us in mind for your next project, we’re just an email away…

  • Illustration

  • websites

  • print



Our websites are built on the Squarespace platform and benefits from the option of self-managed or service based websites.

As a Squarespace Circle member, we can assist you with tailoring your website to do exactly what you want it to within the confines of any template.

* Each website plan is negotiated in the briefing stage and 50% deposit is paid up front.

Get in touch via our contact page to see what’s best for your online needs now if you need a website!



From conceptual art, sketching & illustration to interactive maps & editorial artwork, define your brief in your initial contact form and we will be in touch with all the questions to make sure we get this 100%.

All artworks that are briefed in are quoted on, and a deposit paid, before work commences.

Custom requests are taken on a case by case basis at the business owner’s discretion.

* All our artworks include drafts, changes & full file supply.
* Usage rights on all illustration is negotiated in the briefing stage, before any work is agreed upon or started.

For more on who we are or to book in a consultation, get in touch through our contact form.