New courses starting soon!

Australia's best Spanish language school, now teaching Face-to-Face and Online. Learn Spanish socially - wherever you are.

Winter Intensives! July 8-19

The weather is getting colder, so it's time to learn some more Spanish to warm up our hearts.

Join us for Winter Intensives from home, or come to our cozy Northcote centre for two exciting weeks of study and practice.

We will offer 4.5-hour and 10-hour CONVERSATION COURSES from beginner to advanced!

Tick-Tock Tales: Franco's Time Warp and Spain's Serenos

Ever wondered why Spaniards have dinner so late? With daylight savings recently wreaking havoc on our clocks, we thought we'd share a few interesting tidbits from the history of time-keeping in Spain.

Find out what makes Spaniards tick!

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