Align Yourself With Health

Live, Awaken, Thrive

About David Ackerman Chiropractic

Hello! I am Dr David Ackerman, chiropractor, and I have a strong interest
in holistic health and living.

I love sharing chiropractic care since it is such a simple way to make a positive difference in people’s lives. In addition to the more conventional forms of chiropractic, which involve chiropractic adjustments, massage, stretching, and simple lifestyle advice, the particular modalities I specialize in are Craniosacral Balancing, NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR), and NeuroEmotional Technique (NET).

What we Offer

As a trained chiropractor I use a range of manual treatments. Spinal manipulation is only one such treatment. In addition, I use specific spinal mobilisations, stretches and massage in order to restore neuromusculoskeletal function in the body. These are all utilised after proper diagnosis and evaluation of spinal function.
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0437 034 197

Chiropractic is a branch of healthcare that optimises the function of the neuromusculoskeletal system, focussing primarily on the spine. Chiropractic typically involves manual adjusting of the spine and nervous system however also frequently uses therapies such as massage and stretching to treat and even prevent musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, headaches, neck pain, migraines and postural difficulties.

Dr David Ackerman has been a healthcare practitioner for over 20 years and is a registered chiropractor with the Chiropractic Board of Australia, operating his own chiropractic services from his base in Brunswick Heads, just north of Byron Bay. Embracing the concept of whole-body wellness, David adopts a holistic approach to the treatments and therapies that he employs to bring the spine, brain, muscles and bones to harmoniously work together to enhance the wellness of his patients. Whilst offering what may be considered orthodox chiropractic services such as spinal manipulation and soft tissue release, David, a highly experienced chiropractor serving the area between Byron Bay and Ocean Shores as well as beyond, also specialises in less recognised but highly effective cranial therapies, notably Craniosacral Balancing (CSB) and Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR). In general terms, cranial therapies seek to restore balance and reduce tension within the fluid membrane system connected with the brain and spine which may occur as a result of trauma or injury – and in some cases from something as simple as dental work.

CSB, whilst a soothing and extremely relaxing hands-on treatment (that often induces sleep or a deep meditative state) can offer significant benefits and is associated with improvements in sleep apnoea, tinnitus, vertigo and brings relief from head and neck aches, but most significantly facilitates the opportunity for the body to help to heal itself.

NCR is probably a lesser-known therapy, and in fact David is one of a very small group of healthcare providers that are registered to practice Neurocranial Restructuring in Australia, and it is therefore a highly specialised treatment. Patients that undergo Neurocranial Restructuring in Byron Bay will typically receive four separate treatments over the course of four days. Each treatment is of a short duration and in addition to some hands on treatment for the body, neck and skull, involves a small balloon being inserted into the nostril, the purpose of which is to realign bones within the skull – and with it bring a wide range of benefits.

Endonasal balloon adjustments have been in use for over 80 years and recipients report improvements in many aspects of their health; reduction of headaches and migraines, better breathing (due to clearing of the sinus and greater openness of the nostrils), greater mobility and flexibility in the back and neck, less back pain, relief of TMJ pain and also a visible difference to the face which may be noticeably more symmetrical with a more youthful appearance, thanks to the elimination of certain wrinkles.

If you are experiencing problems with your general health and are looking for an experienced

Chiropractor in Bangalow, or feel that Craniosacral Balancing in Byron Bay or Neurocranial

Restructuring in Sydney may be of benefit to you, do not hesitate to contact David Ackerman Chiropractic.