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Cosmetic Dentistry Adelaide

The common misconception is that cosmetic dentistry in Adelaide is all about appearance. While it’s true that many cosmetic dentistry processes involve changing the colour, shape, position or size of teeth, it isn’t just about vanity. Misaligned or otherwise problematic teeth can cause major dental problems, such as overcrowding, infections, difficulty cleaning, tooth decay and even gum disease.

My Dentist offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry in Adelaide, focused on giving you back the confidence to share your smile with the world. Here are just some of the services we offer.

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Cosmetic Dental Services We Offer

Tooth Veneers

Veneers for your teeth are commonly made from porcelain or composite resin. Your veneers essentially cover the front of your teeth and are primarily used to change the colour or shape of your teeth. Here at My Dentist, we recommend veneers for a range of conditions, including stained, chipped or broken teeth. We may also recommend veneers if you’re concerned about gaps between your teeth or to fix slight misalignment.

Professional teeth whitening

Do you hide your smile for fear of people seeing your stained or discoloured teeth? Unfortunately, over a number of years, teeth become stained, particularly if you consume a lot of coffee or wine. This often leads to low self-esteem and a reluctance to laugh and smile. The health benefits of smiling are well-known, so if this sounds like you, it’s time to pay us a visit.

Our dentists can assist you with professional, safe teeth-whitening processes that are more effective than the kits you might use at home. This means whiter teeth in a shorter amount of time, and we can even give you customised teeth-whitening trays to use at home. Get your confidence back, and smile proudly with our cosmetic teeth whitening procedures.

Cosmetic bonding

If you suffer from minor chips or cracks in your teeth, more extensive treatments may not be necessary. Usually, these smaller issues can be repaired with cosmetic bonding, a process that uses a toot-coloured material to quickly change the appearance of your teeth. If the damage to your teeth is more extensive, further treatments may be required. However, with cosmetic bonding, you can expect to have your beautiful white smile back in no time.

White spot treatment

If you notice white spots on your teeth, this is a certain sign to see a dentist. In some cases, these white spots may be an early sign of tooth decay. This could be caused by a number of factors, including poor oral hygiene, a low-calcium diet, or demineralisation of the enamel on your teeth.

Your dentist will recommend the appropriate course of action and offer dental hygiene education. Often, white spot treatment can be used to remove the white spots and fill them with a tooth-coloured material so that you won’t even notice the difference.

Looking for cosmetic dentistry in Norwood?

My Dentist is based in Norwood, offering a wide range of cosmetic and general dentistry. From regular checkups and cleanings to cosmetic dental procedures, our skilled dentists are on hand to make you feel safe, comfortable and well-supported. Contact us today to make a booking, and get back your winning smile.
