Naturopathic Medicine in Kalamunda, Perth Hills

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Ashleigh van Nierop Naturopath

Ashleigh van Nierop
Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
Bachelor of Complementary Medicine

Usui Reiki Master 
ANTA Member

Hey there!

I’m Ash, a naturopath based in Kalamunda, Perth Hills. I see all health-related presentations, but I have particular interest in electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EMF Hypersensitivity) and endometriosis.

I utilise naturopathy, nutrition, lifestyle counselling, herbalism, medical astrology, Reiki, and energy medicine to address the underlying causes of your health concerns. Whether you’re dealing with EMF hypersensitivty, endometriosis, are trying to support your general health or manage chronic conditions, I’m here to help. I will work with you to develop a customised treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you achieve your health goals. By taking a holistic approach to health and wellness, you are empowered to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself!

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