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Let me capture your story.

Let me capture your story.

Nostalgic storytelling

I live for capturing human connection, those fleeting moments that are so quickly over.

I want to capture your love, and that moment in time that will be over in the blink of an eye. I want you to walk away on a high, knowing that memory has been captured for you to look back on for years to come.

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Hi! I am so glad you are here, I'm Yasmin.


Yasmin Rose Photography started as a dream, a bigger plan, so to speak! The decision to study photography was a no brainer for me, my passion was immense, and I had the talent to drive me. In 2014, I completed my Degree in Photography at Deakin University. It was all coming together, my vision.


I dreamed of a big beautiful house and yard, a loving husband, children, many pets, a darkroom under the stairs and a beautiful natural light studio for me to work from. Almost all of that has come to fruition over the past 7 years ( besides the dark room, which I'm working on!).


I am a proud wife, mother of two beautiful children Winter (3) and Atlas (2), fur mother to many animals, house flipper/DIY addict, thrifting extraordinaire and most importantly, a pretty bloody good photographer. I would absolutely love to capture your story!

Image by Wesley Tingey

My services include

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"Yasmin was so calm and patient with our newborn. We came into the session nervous and she instantly put us at ease. She was so gentle throughout the entire process and captured some incredible photos that now hang proudly on our family room wall "


Take a look at our studio

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 20-04-34 The Studio Montrose 3765 Vic (_the.studio_montrose) • In
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 20-05-06 The Studio Montrose 3765 Vic (_the.studio_montrose) • In
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 20-04-58 The Studio Montrose 3765 Vic (_the.studio_montrose) • In
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 20-04-48 The Studio Montrose 3765 Vic (_the.studio_montrose) • In
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Yay! We are so glad to have you!

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