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Sport & Exercise Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for people of all ages & levels of activity – elite athletes to those looking to get active & stay active. 

We are qualified to assess, diagnose & manage injuries with experienced, hands-on treatment & exercise based rehabilitation.

Our services


We are qualified to assess, diagnose & manage your injury.  We welcome people of all ages & levels of activity – from walkers, to weekend warriors and elite athletes across a range of sports.

Pelvic & Women’s Health

Penny is a physiotherapist with experience in managing pelvic & women's health issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain & pre/post natal care.  

Children & Adolescents

Ashleigh provides physiotherapy for young children & adolescents with hypermobility, developmental, musculoskeletal & sports related conditions in individual & groups.

Exercise Physiology

Exercise interventions for chronic conditions including diabetes, heart disease & obesity.  Programs to improve functional capacity & return to work.

Massage Therapy

Massage helps areas of the body that require recovery, range and releasing through reducing the restrictions of tight or fatigued soft tissue.

Sports Podiatry

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment of conditions involving the feet & lower limbs including joint, soft-tissue, muscular & neurological disorders.

Sports Dietician

 Dieticians empower people to change their eating habits to improve our health, mental & physical performance through improved nutrition


From pre-season baseline testing to concussion treatment, we collaborate with primary care physicians to co-manage concussions.