Tis the season to be Jolly! Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Canaries! And More Good News in History For The Week December 25 to...

December 25 It's Christmas Day! One of the most celebrated days of the year has finally arrived: December 25. Although Christmas is a celebration of the...

More Good News

Meet the 110 year-old Sudanese refugee, Fatima, who is helping other women achieve financial freedom

In Cairo, Egypt a group of refugee women meet regularly, pooling their money together and making financial decisions for the good of others. Out of the 29 women Fatima is by far the oldest at the age of 110. Despite being a centenarian, Fatima looks at least forty years...

Missing cat reunited with family after 10 years

Linda Ellerton never thought she'd see her cat Whiskas again. However, the pair have been reunited in an emotional reunion, more than 10 years after the beloved feline went missing. Whiskas, who is 16 years old, was found in Chilton Moor, near Durham in the UK, which is close to...

Amazon deforestation halved in 2023

In great news for the climate, the rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest halved in 2023. This is the lowest rate of deforestation in 5 years for the world's largest rainforest. Data from national space agency Inpe, part of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, showed 5,153 sq km...

Man keeps alive language thought to be extinct

The Chaná language, a native language of Argentina and Uruguay, was thought to be extinct for over 200 years. However, it has now been discovered that one man has been keeping it alive. Unbeknown to the world Blas Jaime, an 89 year old Argentinian man, had kept the language from...

Animal shelter adopts out all of its animals over Christmas- for the first time in its 50 year history!

An animal shelter in Pennsylvania proved that Christmas miracles do happen, and celebrated after adopting out of all its animals over the Christmas festive period. The walls inside of the Adams County SPCA kennels were echoing with silence (in a good way!) as no furry pets had to spend...

‘Extinct’ golden mole is spotted for the first time in over 80 years

It was feared extinct, but in positive news, a species of golden mole not seen in over 80 years has been rediscovered. Researchers have been extensively looking for the De Winton's golden mole, which was last spotted in 1937, and finally found the adorable little creature in the sand...

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