Despite our best intentions to make changes on our own, sometimes it is all too hard. You can easily revert to old habits, especially in times of stress. You have probably thought to yourself: I can do this on my own, or I can work it out myself, or it is too hard to tell someone else what is going on for me and I don’t know where to start. At MindFrame Psychology we will help you start somewhere, wherever you want. You do not have to do it on your own. Often people feel better when they have finally sought help, as this means they have taken productive steps to make a change.

You probably know what feelings and behaviours you want to change, but you might not know ‘how’ to change these. As psychologists, our expertise lies in helping you learn ‘how’ to change your frame of mind and your behaviours, especially the ones that do not work for you. We can help you learn new behaviours and coping strategies that are far more helpful, productive and healthy. So that you can lead a happier life.

Drop us a line. We can help. We are located in the St James Trust Building, Suite 916, 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW 2000. Conveniently located near Town Hall station.


Our team can help you with a number of anxiety conditions:

  • Excessive worry
  • Social anxiety
  • Fear & Phobias
  • Panic attacks
  • Health Anxiety
  • OCD
  • Performance anxiety
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Trauma


Effective strategies to help you with depression and its symptoms.

  • Post natal depression
  • Low self-esteem, low confidence, shame
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Grief and Loss
  • Feeling down most of the time
  • Feeling irritable
  • Loss of motivation, energy and interest
  • Low self-esteem, low confidence, guilt and shame
  • Trouble sleeping or too much sleep
  • Antenatal and Postnatal depression and anxiety
  • Mood swings and Bipolar I and II
  • Grief and Loss
  • Loneliness


Our psychologists are qualified in counselling and have experience with a range of issues including:

  • Individual relationship issues
  • Parenting issues
  • Anger
  • Non-directive pregnancy counselling
  • IVF – coping with the rollercoaster process, decisions around freezing eggs & donor sperm
  • Eating disorders, restrictive eating, body image issues
  • Binging, over-eating and weight management
  • Body dysmorphic disorder, feeling ugly and unattractive
  • Adjusting to a mental illness, chronic illness or a medical diagnosis
  • Addiction
  • Skin picking
  • Hair Pulling


Dr Cindy works with the Australian media to help de-stigmatise psychology.

Dr Cindy is regularly quoted in print press, and believes that it is important that the Australian public are exposed to accurate information about a range of psychological issues.

For more info about Dr Cindy’s availability for media work, please contact 02 9119 8777.

Corporate Workshops

Our psychologists will help your organisation understand and better manage Mental Health and Interpersonal issues that are common place in the workplace. Employers often tell us that they want higher productivity, without this coming at the cost of the employee. They also tell us they want happier team members and more cohesive teams. We have seen some workplaces achieve this and others that struggle. Thus, we have put together engaging material, based only on evidence-based strategies.

Our workshop topics comprise of the following topics:

  • Stress management
  • What is anxiety and how to manage it in the workplace
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety
  • Managing public speaking anxiety
  • What is depression and how to improve your mood
  • Procrastination and productivity
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Managing conflict and frustration
  • Improving interpersonal skills and communication
  • Being more productive and less obsessive

To request more information about these workshops, please contact us on (02) 9119 8777.

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