UQ , meet your student union.

Supporting Representing Informing Feeding Connecting you at all stages of your studies.

Union Complex Redevelopment.

The Union Complex opened in 1961 with the intention of providing a space that allowed students to gather and share their learnings. The University at the time placed a clear value on the role the student union played in creating community on campus.  

The University is currently planning to redevelop the Union Complex. Find out what the redevelopment plans involve, how the plans will impact your student union, and what that means for community, and student-led space, on campus.

Support & Welfare

UQU are here to support you throughout your uni experience.

We’ve got a range of programs to help empower you to feel and do your best — beyond just academics. From wellbeing support to legal and career guidance, our free and independent advocacy and support team are here to ensure you thrive, not just survive.


When it comes to finding your people on campus, UQU has you covered.

With more than 200 Clubs & Societies, there’s a group for everyone — and don’t forget the UQU Collectives connecting and representing minority groups on campus. Or perhaps making mates while volunteering is more your thing. Whatever your interest, there’s a community for you at UQU.

Eat & Drink

Satisfy every craving and shop your heart out right on campus!

Whether it’s a hearty lunch between classes, a cosy morning coffee spot or a trendy new fit you’re seeking, we’ve got you covered.

Upcoming on campus

Bubble tea workshops, board game nights, beach trips… our campuses are buzzing year-round with events crafted for every taste and interest. Explore below and mark your calendars!

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