Nordic Media





Nordic Media – Advertising Agency Newcastle

Talk to Newcastle’s and the Hunter Valleys finest team of Social Media Marketing Experts

Redeem your free 2 hour Marketing analysis and see how your business is performing

Advertising & Digital Marketing Agency Newcastle

Nordic Media is a fresh, new Advertising Agency in Newcastle and its surrounding areas. We have the finest team of Digital Marketing Consultants in Newcastle and the Central Coast regions. Nordic Media are experts in the fields of Radio for branding and call to action campaigns, Web Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media set up an integration as well as content marketing Strategies, Bus Advertising, Digital Banners, Billboards and more. Nordic Media can save you the stress of picking the correct advertising campaigns- we do the leg work for you! We offer a free 1 hour discovery session on your business with a full Marketing Plan free of charge. Call me today to organise your Marketing Diagnostic

Let Nordic Media give you the vital information needed to cut through all of the clutter of the advertising World

Nordic media is a full media Agency specialising in Radio and Digital Advertising. We deliver marketing Strategies that work.

We can help your business to be found on page one of Google when keyword search terms are entered by potential customers. This Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is done by Nordic Media using methodologies such as Social Media platforms established and regular SEO oriented posts created, blog posts published to optimised websites plus articles written and posted on local community forums.

We have a dedicated team that are all devoted business enthusiasts with experience in TV, press, all forms of outdoor, Web development, SEO and social media consultancy, let us help you set sail for your business success.

SEO Newcastle

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is a term that is used regularly but understood by very few or more specifically how to achieve positive outcomes when trying to get your business website ranked on the first page of Google, and the like (Search Engines), is understood by very few.

Nordic Media through sound procedures and a thorough knowledge and understanding of how Google works will get your site ranked for you.

Before we start a SEO Campaign we do a complete Analysis of what keywords and terms your business is targeting and build your campaign around the difficulty of how these keywords and terms are to achieve along with the budget that you are wanting to spend. You see, if you are approached by another SEO business offering you a “package” to do your SEO then run the other way! SEO can not be packaged as there are so many differing circumstances around every clients needs.

Search Engine Land Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors

Local Digital Marketing

If you’re running a local business, you won’t want to use the same types of strategies that internet businesses do. You will have to come up with a strategy that will be able to appeal to the people that live and work in your area.

Thankfully, there are a lot of ways you can reach local customers. These local digital marketing tips will help you to increase the success of your business.

Create A Responsive Site

When people search for a local business, they usually won’t use a desktop computer. Instead, they will use their phone. When it comes to shops and restaurants, a lot of people actually do their searching right in the car.

Because of this, you need to make sure that your site works perfectly on mobile devices. Create a responsive site that will load without issue.

Prioritise The Most Valuable Information

Make sure the most relevant information, like your phone number, location, and hours, are easy to find. You also may want to mention whether or not you accept credit cards. If people can’t find the information that they are looking for, they may go somewhere else.

Make It Easy For People To Learn More

If people have additional questions, you should make it easy for them to get in touch with you. Include an email address and phone number on every page of your site. Set up a contact page so that they know how to obtain that information. If people want to learn more, you should be able to take advantage of that.

Now that you know a little bit more about local digital marketing, you can start to develop some strong strategies. There are a lot of great resources available to marketers. Make sure you take advantage of as many as you can. And if you require the services of a professional in the field don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Digital marketing 2

News & Updates from Nordic

How to best utilise your advertising dollar

How to best utilise your advertising dollar

I have been asked to give some advice on how to make sense of all the Noise that is out there when trying to market your business in this fast paced digital world that we live in today. So I will be publishing a series of stories that will give you the right...

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Mobilegeddon – Is your website ready?

Mobilegeddon – Is your website ready?

Did you know - mobile phone users on the internet is growing at a fast and furious rate with well over 75% of internet searches now done on a mobile device and to support mobile usability Google has announced that the next step in ensuring mobile searches are catered...

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Contact Details


Phone: 0404 472 676

Address: 54 Irving St Wallsend NSW 2287

(Meetings by appointment)

Nordic Media