
So you’re thinking of proposing? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re needing proposal inspiration for South Australian proposals then look no further. Ever After Entertainment specializes in Adelaide proposals whether you’re thinking of a beach proposal, dinner proposal or in the comfort of your own home, we know of all the best locations and most romantic ways to propose.

Step One

Pick up the phone and give us a call, or send through an email. Tell us all about you and your partner, what makes your relationship special and any specific ideas that you’re thinking of.

Step Two

This is when we get to work!

We will come up with various ideas and locations depending on your initial consultation with us, organise an in-depth custom proposal plan and take you through every step of the way.

Step Three

Let the magic unfold!

Are you ready to propose yet?

Contact us today for your custom proposal

Are you ready to get engaged, but have no idea how to let your significant other know you want them to pop the question? The key is to be subtle.


1. Tell them how you feel

Obviously coming out with “can you propose please” is a little blunt, instead,
tell them how much you love them, and how happy they make you.

2. Talk about the future

You don’t have to talk about marriage for them to take the hint, instead talk
about your future together. It can be anything from saying you’d love to go on
a round-the-world trip when you’re both retired, or commenting on how cute your children would be.

3. Take to social media

Create a Pinterest wedding board and shares some pretty snaps on Instagram and Twitter. Chances are they will notice and take the hint!

4. Drop hints about the ring

Did a friend or even a celebrity recently get engaged? Make an off-hand
comment about how stunning you think their ring is and what type of ring it is that you would love.

5. The friend tactic

There’s nothing wrong with asking your friends for a little help, they could
jokingly ask them when he’s going to propose, or simply hint that you’d love a ring on your finger.

6. Time it right

If you’re going to a friend’s wedding, it’s the perfect time to hint at how lovely
it would be if you walked down the aisle, or it can be a fun comment like,
“what would you do differently?” or “we’d totally get a Photobooth wouldn’t we?”. Plus, everyone feels lovey-dovey at a wedding.

7. Don’t pose an ultimatum

We wouldn’t recommend dropping an ultimatum, as it may make them feel
pressured. As tempting as it is to tell them you’d love to be engaged by the end of the year, give them space to do it when they want to.

8. Let us do the ground work for you

Click the image below to learn more if you want us to send a proposal hint for you.

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