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Upgrade Your Love-Life
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Elise is a true visionary in helping women reclaim their feminine energy and power.


I was drawn to working with her because I felt imbalanced and out of touch with my femininity. I felt something was missing in my relationship with my husband and that it was up to me to release my blocks that stop me from allowing love in and feeling the beauty and joy of my feminine flow.


In working with Elise, she has helped me release old traumas and patterns that I have walled myself with in order to feel safe. But she so aptly showed me that my walled safety was actually keeping me very unsafe and the price was very high to hold onto this old pattern. I am now falling in love again with the joy of feeling feminine, and the calm, centered flow that happens when I get out of my head and into my body's wisdom.


Elise has been a godsend and I am grateful I choose to work with her.. It is thrilling to discover what pleasure my feminine energy can create in all areas of my life. I am transforming into the woman I desire to be and this is a gift I am giving myself that is priceless. Thank you Elise

Carol - Mother

Los Angeles, US

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"The Love Elixir"

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