Welcome to Banyo Clinic

At Banyo Clinic, we are committed to providing excellence in patient care. Having been in operation since 1955, the clinic is staffed by qualified doctors and nurses, providing exceptional medical care across a range of services.


Contact Us

Opening Hours

Monday 7:00am to 7:00pm
Tuesday 7:00am to 7:00pm
Wednesday 7:00am to 5:00pm
Thursday 7:00am to 7:00pm
Friday 7:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00am to 1:00pm
Sunday 9:00am to 12:00pm
Public holidays (except Christmas day) 9:00am to 12:00pm

For appointments call: (07) 3267 5088 or

About Banyo Clinic

Our team of highly trained doctors, nurses and support staff provide a wide range of services, from treating acute illness to preventative health and well being services, including health assessments and chronic disease management.


Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients are eligible to be registered for Close the Gap Program – a Government-funded initiative to increase the accessibility of services, in order to achieve equality in health and life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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Banyo Clinic provides the complete range of childhood immunisation as set out in the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule. Doctor and nurse led child developmental assessments and health checks are also available. Please contact reception on 07 3267 5088.

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Banyo clinic recognises the impact and challenges faced by individuals with chronic diseases, such as diabetes & asthma. We aim to provide complete care for individuals with chronic disease through provisions of ongoing care plans and team care arrangements with allied health professionals and specialists. Medicare rebates for allied health services may be available through

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A full range of contraception options are available including the oral contraceptive pill, Depo-Provera injection, Implanon implant, Mirena IUD, Copper IUD and Vasectomy. If you are considering the Implanon, Mirena or Vasectomy, please advise reception on 07 3267 5088 when booking to ensure your appointment is with a doctor trained in providing these options. For

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Our doctors at the Banyo Clinic are available for general consultations to cover any of your health concerns and preventative health care needs.

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All doctors at Banyo Clinic are available to discuss any men’s or women’s health needs, including prostate, breast, and cervical assessments (pap smears), prenatal, antenatal & postnatel care. Both male and female doctors are available – if you have a preference please inform us when making your booking through reception on 07 3267 5088 or

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For your mental health needs, we offer a wide range of treatment options including counselling, pharmacological treatments and referrals to specialist psychology and psychiatric services. Medicare rebates for psychology services may be available through a mental health care plan. Onsite psychology services are available.

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Banyo Clinic uses My Health Record, which is an online summary of your key health information. This information is kept securely on a national database and provides doctors, specialists and hospital services around Australia access to your important health information such as medicines and allergies.

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ABI Audiometry Cryotherapy ECG Home Visits* Lap Band Adjustments Spirometry Wound Management Ear microscopy/suctioning Vasectomy

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The type of vasectomy offered at Banyo Clinic is the “No Scalpel Vasectomy” (NSV). This procedure is less invasive than traditional vasectomies and does not require the use of any scalpels or knives. Instead, a specialized instrument is used to make a tiny opening in the skin – so small that no stitches are

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Our doctors are trained to perform skin/ melanoma checks to assess your skin lesions. Our doctors may recommend treatments, such as cryotherapy or surgery, for suspicious lesions, and these treatments can be performed in our well equipped treatment suites. Generally, surgical procedures are usually booked for another day when convenient to both patient and Doctor.

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Banyo Clinic is a World Health Organisation accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination provider, and our aim is to provide a comprehensive travel health service encompassing all traveller health needs including location specific travel advice, provision of medications and immunisations . It is recommended that travellers with complex itineraries, complex health needs or requiring Yellow Fever vaccination

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Our doctors regularly perform pre-employment medicals assessments for many local and national employers. The doctors at Banyo Clinic understand that pre-employment medical examinations are in integral component for employers and are committed to delivering only the highest quality service. Commercial drivers licensing medicals are also available. Our doctors are available to consult employees on WorkCover

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Why Choose Banyo Clinic?

Caring experienced and knowledgeable doctors

QPA Accredited Clinic

Onsite Pharmacy, Pathology and Allied Health


Open 364 days a year with extended hours

Caring for Banyo since 1955

Our Mission

Elevating lives through exceptional care and nurturing doctor-patient relationships.

Our mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care whilst incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness.  We are committed to promoting health, wellbeing and disease prevention to all patients. We do not discriminate in the provision of excellent care and aim to treat all patients with dignity and respect.

Our team of highly trained doctors, nurses and support staff provide a wide range of services, from treating acute illness to preventative health and well being services, including health assessments, chronic disease management, pregnancy and pediatric care, work related injuries/ assessments and travel health. We cater for newborn babies all the way through to great great grandparents.  We have an ongoing commitment to quality improvement and training, providing training opportunities to medical students, GP registrars as well as nurses, to partake in regular quality improvement activities. Banyo Clinic is a QPA accredited clinic, meeting the high standards set by RACGP, dedicated to providing safe and quality health care.

Doctors and Staff

The Qualified Doctors, our receptionists and our accredited nurses, are all committed to providing a quality patient experience.

Clinic News

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You will be asked to wear a mask and wait outside for your appointment if you:

  • have had COVID-19 within 7 days
  • have any COVID-19 symptoms for any reason:
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Shortness of breath
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Fevers
    • Fatigue
    • Diarrhoea
    • Vomiting
    • Aches including headache or ear ache