Small Business SEO with Mrs Bloggs

Website Transformations by Mrs Bloggs

How many ENQUIRIES are you getting from your website?  

If the answer is ‘very little’ or ‘none’, you are in the right place. We transform underperforming websites into Enquiry Generating Machines. 

Transform your website and enjoy:

  • More Enquiries without expensive ads
  • Pick and Choose your projects
  • A modern website to be proud of
  • Scale upwards to higher $$$ value projects
  • Increased turnover and higher profits
  • Business Growth on auto-pilot 
  • Steady pipeline of incoming enquiries

Stop the midnight worrying and sleep easier at night with a steady flow of incoming projects.

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Why Choose Mrs Bloggs

"I have worked in the contruction industry for 15 years. During that time I have met with many business owners who needed help creating or improving their online presence. With so many services out there, I often had people telling me things like (1) I have a website but it does not work. Or (2) We paid for SEO but did not get results. The outcome? They were left scratching their heads and had no idea where to turn to get a genuine service that would deliver real results. They became a 'confused buyer' so they did nothing.
Mrs Bloggs is different. I take a no-nonsense approach and start with fundamental business analysis. Who are you, who is your business, who are your target customers, what are your most profitable services? From there, I craft a SEO strategy using my proven WEBSITE LEVER METHOD. Once we pull the lever, you get results. No BS, just real results."

Our Services

Website Transformation and Search Engine Optimisation: The dynamic DUO

  • Modern Update of Your Website to meet current standards
  • Get more website traffic leading to more Qualified Enquiries
  • Call to Action to increase Conversions
  • Creating a strong ongoing Leads Pipeline
  • Pick and choose the projects you want to work on

Monthly SEO to Increase Web Traffic

  • You cannot SET and FORGET a website. It It doesn’t work. You need monthly SEO to ensure your website gets to the top of search engine rankings and stays there.
  • Google values fresh content, & original , helpful content. We ensure that content is SEO optimised so you get web traffic.
  • Get more search results with persuasive and SEO optimised descriptions
  • Off-page SEO and backlinks to increase your website authority.

Getting AI-Ready

  • Get found in Google AI Search Results and AI tools such as ChatGPT.
  • We evaluate your online presence and make recommendations for improvement to satisfy the places that AI is scraping across the internet to show answers.
  • Get found in AI Search and get ahead of competitors.
  • Early adopters can potentially reap MASSIVE rewards with AI.
  • This is the FUTURE, NOW.

SEO Copywriting
and Website Content

  • Content to answer questions your customers are asking in search engines
  • SEO optimised content across alll pages to attract your ideal client
  • Increased clicks from search results with persuasive descriptions
  • Customer centric content that is written with your customer in mind 
  • Service pages designed as a landing page to generate enquiries 

Award Writing: Helping you WIN Awards

  • Success with 60+ winning/finalist award submissions
  • Transforming your story and upselling
  • Construction industry judge for 10 years
  • Combining analysis skills with professional writing skills to give you a competitive edge
  • Degree qualified professional writer

Digital Coaching

  • Guiding your Marketing strategy with independent advice on where to spend, where to save
  • Social media strategies using AI and scheduling tools to save time
  • Website tweaks and SEO advice to increase enquiries
  • Google Business Profile assistance
  • Coaching to help you DIY your online presence


Every website can be improved. Many completely transformed. Without SEO your website is practically invisible online. No SEO. No Google ranking.

When you engage Mrs Bloggs, your website will be transformed and your leads pipeline will experience a huge BOOST. This will include:

  • Website transformation: Refresh of your website to make it modern, engaging and professional.
  • Analysis of your business and services to ensure your website is properly set up with the correct Service pages (this is a critical foundational step).
  • Professional Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) both on-site and off-site.
  • Strong Call-to-Actions on your website to increase conversions i.e. turn website visitors into enquiries.
  • Holistic review of your online business presence with digital coaching across social media and more as an added bonus.
  • Ensuring your website is ‘AI ready’ for AI searches rolling out by Google and ChatGPT. 
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Website Transformation Case Studies

Web traffic on the Amerex Renovations website went from ZERO to: 

  • Over 2000 website visitors per month
  • Over 100 keywords ranking in the Top 3 Google results
  • Approx 250 keywords on Page 1 results
  • Average of 100 Enquiries per month
  • Amerex now have a strong pipeline of enquiries and are able to pick and choose the projects they want to work on. 
  • Monthly enquiries increased from 55 in April 2023 to 145 in  April 2024 and are continuing to grow.
  • Writing Income more than doubled in just one year.
  • Digital product sales increased over 60% in one year.
  • This business is now hiring additional writers to cope with the increased workload.
Natalie Fermoyle Interior Designer and Stylist

I received a professional analysis of my business website which found insightful and beneficial for increasing the organic traffic to my website. I look forward to seeing improvements over the course of the year. I highly recommend this service to any business owner who has created a set and forget website to identify and correct issues that may be negatively impacting your business. Thank you Mrs Bloggs!

steve burke amerex renovations seo by mrs bloggs
Steve Burke, Amerex Renovations Registered Builder

Mrs Blogg's SEO drives a high volume of traffic to our website, and provides our business with a strong and consistent pipeline of high-quality leads. This enables us to choose which projects we want to undertake and turn down those that are not a good fit. With strong organic web traffic, we have been able to reduce our digital advertising spend significantly each year.

seo by mrs bloggs for plumbers
Ben Morton Plumber, Business Owner

Our plumbing business was transformed with the SEO and Content improvements to our website. We thought our website was already good, but the changes that have been put in place were game-changing. We are now getting stacks of enquiries and new customers from our website.

Mining Resume Writer Business Owner

Website SEO and Blog Content by Mrs Bloggs has transformed our organic traffic from 100 to 1400 website visitors a month resulting in more enquiries and significantly more sales.

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